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MMUST Researchers Advocate Proper Documentation Of Gold Mining In A Bid To Improve The Business In Western Kenya

The Principal Investigator, Prof. Elizabeth Omukunda, gives her remarks during the Stakeholder Workshop at Kakamega Sports Club.

Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology’s researchers have championed proper documentation of gold mining, with the aim of improving the business in Western, Kenya. This was revealed during a one-day Stakeholder Workshop, involving miners from Ikolomani Constituency, which took place on Tuesday, 13th June, 2023 at the Kakamega Sports Club. The Workshop was courtesy of a URF-funded project titled ‘Effects of Gold Mining on Education, Environment, Human Health and Social Constructs in Kakamega County, Western Kenya’.

According to the project’s Principal Investigator, Prof. Elizabeth Omukunda, one of the main goals of this research is to generate information which will allow for policy formation regarding gold mining in Kakamega County. “Universities are mandated to solve issues of the communities surrounding them, which is what we hope to achieve at the end of this research. We understand that small-scale miners are facing a lot of challenges and we hope to come up with solutions that will alleviate this,” said Prof. Omukunda, adding that her research team will embark on a capacity building exercise after data collection.

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Prof. Bukhala presenting at the Workshop.

“Gold mining should be conducted in a structured manner in order for the entire community to reap the benefits. There needs to be a policy, both at the County and National levels, advocating for improved mining business,” stated the Director of Research and Postgraduate Support, Prof. Peter Bukhala, who is also a Co-investigator in the project. Further, Prof. Bukhala pointed out that gold mining is a very lucrative business, but lacks proper artisanal policies. “Thank you for being resourceful and I encourage you all to keep the conversation from this Workshop going,” he added.

The Chairperson of artisanal miners, Ikolomani Constituency, Mr. Patrick Makhule, reiterated that the mining business should be formalized, and added that small-scale miners should be trained especially on matters of safety as well as environmental conservation. “Miners have been losing lives in shafts due to lack of supervision, hence the establishment of a resilient team. This is a self-regulating group that deals with safety training, conflict resolution, site inspection among other things,” said Mr. Makhule.

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Mr. Patrick Makhule gives his remarks.

“I look forward to this collaboration, and I foresee a long-term relationship between MMUST and the people of Ikolomani Constituency,” said the Chairperson of MMUST’s Department of Economics, and a Co-investigator in the project, Dr. Umulkher Ali. Dr. Ali said that there is a need for miners’ legal representation, adding that they should be empowered to pursue education, which is important as far as investments and good record keeping is concerned.

During the Stakeholder Workshop, miners appreciated the University for reaching out to them and echoed that they would wish for Ikolomani Constituency to lead in the gold mining sector in the country. They shared the various challenges that they encounter in their line of work, including, lack of proper equipment and exploitation by investors. Subsequently, they emphasized the need for safety training, seeing that miners use Mercury to separate gold from other minerals, which may cause adverse effects to human health.

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A section of the Ikolomani gold miners during the Stakeholder Workshop.

Other Co-investigators in this project are; Dr. Christine Wanjala, Dr. Iddah Maulid Ali, Dr. Pamela Buhere, Dr. Issa Kweyu, Dr. Joseph Owino, Dr. Peter Cherop and Mr. Peter Nyongesa.

By Ivy Alivitsa  and Getrude Ajiambo 

Photos by Wangari Wambugu

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