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MMUST Embarks On Mentoring The Next Generation Of Scientists In Science, Technology, Engeneering And Mathematics

The participants of the STEM workshop.


Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology has embarked on mentoring the next generation of scientists in Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). This was evident during a mentorship workshop, courtesy of the MMUST STEM Mentoring program that targets pre-university students and learners. The event, which was held on 16 June 2023 at the MMUST STEM Centre, is sponsored by STEMpower Organization, a non-governmental organization that expands hands-on STEM education in Sub-Saharan Africa by establishing electronics and computer labs. Their aim is to provide students with the skills and resources they need to succeed in a rapidly evolving technological landscape. This workshop was organized by the School of Natural Sciences (SONAS), Department of Pure and Applied Chemistry in collaboration with the Department of Physics.

The guest speaker, Dr. Peter Njoki, an Associate Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry at Hampton University, USA, advised the students to work smart and attain good grades that will enable them to further their education while at the same time continuing to broaden their horizons as they study abroad. He further shared with the young learners the prospective careers in the field of Chemistry quoting among them Medicine, Forensics, Education, Patent Law, and Science journalist.

Dr. Peter Njoki, who will be in MMUST for two months courtesy of the Carnegie African Diaspora Fellowship Program (CADFP), commended the STEM team for organizing and implementing such initiatives. “This will go a long way in not only attracting a high number of students in the STEM programs but also help build a professional, working alliance where mentors and mentees work together over time to support each other’s personal and professional growth, development as well as success through the provision of career and psychosocial support,” he added.

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The Chairman of the Department of Physics, Dr. Maxwell Mageto addressing the participants.

The Chairman of the Department of Physics, Dr. Maxwell Mageto noted that scientists play a pivotal role in not only expanding knowledge, and pushing the boundaries of human understanding but also finding solutions to complex challenges affecting society. Additionally, he explained the relevance of such kinds of workshops, stating that it is their duty as Scientists to contribute to education by teaching and mentoring learners at various levels.

“We share our expertise, guide aspiring scientists, and foster critical thinking, scientific inquiry, and problem-solving skills in an effort to nurture the next generation of scientists. This will certainly play a role in ensuring the continuation of scientific progress as well as the advancement of society,” said Dr. Mageto.

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Dr. Fred Lisouza from the Chemistry Department reiterated that it is important for the next generation of scientists to be mentored as early as their pre-university levels.

“Students are learning through experiments and sensitized on opportunities in STEM so they embrace science-based subjects,” he stated. Further, Dr. Lisouza briefed the learners about the STEM programs offered at MMUST and encouraged them to make MMUST their University of choice.

For an aspiring scientist, intentional support and guidance through effective mentorship can either make or break a career. Universities are expected to produce all-round graduates who will take up the existing workforce. It is therefore critical for established scientists to shape the next generation of brilliant minds. This is however contrary to the much research being done on the subject matter. As a STEM community, we must shift towards prioritizing training and mentoring as much as we do in the conduct of research.

It is commendable that MMUST has arose to the challenge. The pre-university school visits which were put in place to market the University are expanding, as the University dons take advantage of the opportunity to mentor and shift the mindsets of young learners to think out of the box and embrace the impossible! Congratulations are in order to the students and faculty of Shieywe Secondary School who benefitted from the mentorship workshop.

By Sylvia Shibutuli and Caren Nekesa

Photos by Shiundu Masafu

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