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MMUST Peer Educators Imparted With Necessary Skills To Tackle HIV, TB and Mental Health Issues

Mr Martin Imbwaga giving his presentation at the Peer Educators Workshop.

Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology peer educators have been imparted with essential skills for tackling new HIV and Tuberculosis infections, and mental health-related issues. This was during a Workshop, organized by the AIDS Control, Gender and Disability Mainstreaming Unit (ACGDMU), which took place on 23 June, 2023 at Golf Hotel, Kakamega.

Prof. Lilechi Barasa, who represented the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Solomon Shibairo, stated that peer education should be taken seriously starting from the Management. He   urged the peer educators to counsel the University Management as it faces a lot of challenges at work and at home. “We look forward to establishing a staff counselling unit, to enhance the wellbeing of our staff so as to establish a conducive environment for everyone,’’ stated Prof. Barasa.

Privately Sponsored Students Programme (PSSP) Director, Prof. Ondiek Alala, who was standing in for the Deputy Vice Chancellor-Planning, Research and Innovation, Prof. Charles Mutai asserted that the  University ensures the wellbeing of its staff and students.  “We are undertaking this activity to fulfil our mandate to the University. I commend the Unit for its good work and hope that it shall achieve its objectives,” he said, adding that the Unit should bring on board more educators especially from academia to engage everyone in the University.”

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A section of participants during the Workshop.

“I acknowledge the efforts of the counsellors in educating the Peer educators so as to teach other staff on gender issues, disabilities and health issues. I appreciate counsellors for impacting people’s lives with what they do,” said Registrar PRI, Prof. Alice Ndiema.

MMUST peer educators Chairperson, Mr. Albert Muchesia, pointed out that the University has a high number of people from various backgrounds and that peer educators are mandated to help each and every one of them. He commended the peer educators for their commitment towards this cause, saying that they play an important role in the institution and encouraged them to serve diligently. “Stress is a major challenge and we should enlighten other people to understand and manage it. It is up to us to empower our colleagues and the society to take the right measures in stress management to live a healthier life,’’ he said.

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Mr Martin Imbwaga making his presentation.

Kakamega General Hospital’s Mr Martin Imbwaga’s presentation tackled TB updates on prevention. He advised the peers to be sensitive about the signs and symptoms of TB, such as coughs, weight loss, night sweat, and inactiveness and fever in children. He urged them to encourage TB patients to be persistent in taking their medication to fully recover and avoid infecting others.

“What is eating up our country is new HIV infections, especially in higher learning institutions where there is a high intake of post-exposure pills,” stated Ms. Zipporah Mbogo, a clinical officer in the Ministry of Health, Kakamega County. During her presentation on HIV updates, she noted that there are various pills that can be taken in order to avoid being infected, such as PrEP, PEPs and event driven prep. “As peer educators, it is important to follow up on your patients after counselling them, to assist them in dealing with trauma and anxiety,” she added.

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Participants follow keenly during the Peer Educators Workshop.

Ms. Gentry Agitza from Friends of Africa International (FOAI) addressed the issue of mental health, where she said that stress is experienced by everyone, and that there is a need to seek professional services. MMUST’s Mr. Felix Ambuche added that Continuous Mental Examinations (CMEs) will be conducted at the University.

The Peer Educators Workshop was indeed an informative platform, where participants were enlightened on HIV updates, TB updates on prevention, as well as stress management. This is evident that the University is on the right track to addressing HIV and Tuberculosis infections, as well as mental health issues.#

By; Verna Awour, Ivy Alivitsa and Melody Mutua

Photos by; Shiundu Masafu

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