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“Keep Track and Optimize the Contribution of Your Workforce in Order to Achieve the Institution’s Goals,” Advises Manager-KEBS, Ms. Joan Makhanu

The workshop participants. 


The Manager- Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS), Ms. Joan Makhanu has advised the University Management Board (UMB) members to keep track and optimize the contribution of staff in order to achieve the institution’s goals. This was during a two-day training on Performance Management that was held from 26th - 27th June 2023 at Golf Hotel. The purpose of this workshop was to empower the managers with the requisite skills to track progress against goals and personal development and make informed decisions for better service delivery.  

Speaking at the workshop, the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Solomon Shibairo noted that it is important for the University to automate the institution’s systems for effective service delivery. He encouraged the use of a Balanced Score Card on employees that will be focused not only on the financial objectives of the institution but also it will highlight the non-financial objectives that allow the University to achieve its mission and vision.

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The Vice Chancellor, Prof. Solomon Shibairo addressing the participants.

The workshop was attended by the Deputy Vice Chancellors, (Administration and Finance)-  Prof. John Kuria Thuo, (Planning, Research, and Innovation)- Prof. Charles Mutai, and (Academic and Student Affairs)- Prof. Hussein Golicha alongside other members of the University Management Board members.

Ms. Makhanu advised the participants that an effective performance management system creates a culture of self-leadership, communication, and feedback, empowering employees to take ownership of their responsibilities. She emphasized that it helps an organization to become more successful and stay ahead of its competitors.

She added that Performance management is vital in all organizations because the organizations need to verify the validity of the selection methods and improve productivity.

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The Manager- Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS), Ms. Joan Makhanu making a presentation at the workshop.

Ms. Makhanu expounded on the levels of Performance Management including; Corporate level this level allows the organization to define its strategic goals that will influence the corporate work plans, the Functional level will allow the organization to define the corporate balanced scorecard that eventually produces positive performance report and lastly Individual level will highlight the job description of the employees which influences the individual balance score card.

She added that Basic Scorecard is an approach that is applicable and adaptable to any organization. It also has better-implemented strategies that can easily control the performance of any employee. She insisted on investing in performance management toolswhich is an important part of creating a culture of high performance.

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A section of the UMB members following a presentation at the workshop.

"You must create systems that make you remain premier. Through monitoring your performance, you will realize gaps in the working of your staff", she said.

Appreciating the presenter, the Ag. Registrar Administration, Dr. Eglay Tsuma applauded Ms. Makhanu for the informative presentation. She further urged the participants to implement the various levels of performance management that will protect the institution from any crisis and control its various sections.

Performance Management based on Basic Scorecard provides a clear view of an organization’s progress, in monitoring how programs, departments, and employees performance. It will eliminate the hard task of reviewing each individual’s key performance indicators, hence measuring the financial, customer, and internal processes along with learning and knowing our growth perspectives.

By Linet Owuorand Millicent Masistsa

Photos by Shiundu Masafu

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