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“Use Your God-Given Potential to Improve Lives” Rev. Dr. Willis Otuya


MMUST Chaplaincy held Interdenominational Live Church Service on Citizen TV, on Sunday 22nd July, 2018. Led by the Chaplains Reverend Dr. Willis Otuya and Father Dr. Kizito Muchanga, the service was based on the theme “Utilizing God-Given Potential.” Following opening prayers by Fr. Dr. Kizito who holds a PhD in Peace and Conflict Studies, the Preacher of the Day, Rev. Dr. Otuya delivered a powerful message on God-Given Potential and Authority that was granted to human beings during the creation of Adam and Eve, and is a blessing accorded by God to everyone at conception.
“There is Potential in God to bring form where it did not exist, and God transferred that Potential by creating us in His own image” Rev. Dr. Otuya preached. He urged the congregation and people around the world to make use of their Potential to be agents of positive change and peace ambassadors. Rev. Dr. Otuya, a Senior Lecturer and Researcher of Entrepreneurship in the MMUST School of Business and Economics, lamented on cases of many people with Potential to make the world a better place, but have failed to utilize the God-Given gift to improve their own lives and the lives of others. “It is so sad that we have many people moving with the title ‘doctor’ yet they have never treated any sickness, engineers who have never done any construction, and worse, in our universities, are those who claim to be scholars yet they have never done any research and never even published a single paper” Rev. Dr. Otuya preached.
Rev. Dr. Otuya further preached that Kenya has not yet realized its God-Given Potential, because many people utilize such Potential wrongly. “God-Given Potential can be misused to harm others, just like in the Book of Genesis 4:1-4, Cain who was given Potential to till the land, instead of building it, he became jealous and hacked to death his own brother Abel, who was flourishing by utilizing his God-Given Potential of being a livestock keeper” he said. Continuing, he said that our Country Kenya has been facing a lot of problems because of people who utilize their God-Given Potential to do wrong things and harm others. “Corruption scandals are on the rise, and people have become so wicked and rebellious to God that they do not respect any authority. This is why you hear of looting in the National Youth Service, Ango-Leasing Scandal, Goldenberg Scandal, Mercury in Sugar and so on; we have to change” he added.
While concluding, Rev. Dr. Otuya urged the worshippers and nation to utilize their God-Given Potential to be Agents of Peace. He appealed to the audience to extend the handshake and reach out to those whom we may have wronged. “Let me tell you, the Handshake is a Biblical concept, it is spiritual and it brings healing. May God Bless His Excellency President Uhuru Kenyatta and Rt. Hon. Raila Amolo Odinga for Utilizing their God-Given Leadership Potential and delivering the famous Handshake that is bringing healing to this Nation” he prayed.
In his thanks giving remarks, the Vice Chancellor Prof. Fred Otieno praised the Chaplaincy and Citizen TV Crew for organizing the Great Interdenominational Service. “Use your God-Given Potential to help the underprivileged in the society, as I wish you success in your examinations that start tomorrow” said Prof. Otieno.
The Church Service was followed by a wonderful Bambika Live Show on Citizen TV, organized by Kambua, Holy Dave, DJ Gee Gee, Timeless Noel, Malik, Bruce Newton, Smith Boy among others. MMUSO Secretary for Sports and Entertainment Mr. Bahati Mong'are thanked the University Management for hosting Bambika, saying that students look forwarded for more such events from Citizen TV and Royal Media Services.


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