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Industry-Academia Linkages are Critical to Pushing Youngsters Into the Professional World, Says Dean School of Arts and Social Sciences, Dr. Rose Auma

MMUST, Baraza Media Lab and Kakamega Community Center teams after the courtesy call at the office of the Dean- School of Arts and Social Sciences.

Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology has continued to create linkages with the Industry in an effort to prepare students for the real world of work. On Wednesday, 9th August, 2023, a team from Baraza Media Lab paid a courtesy call to the office of the Dean- School of Arts and Social Sciences (SASS) to discuss possible areas of collaboration. The team, led by the Executive Assistant and HR, Ms. Benter Dongo, was received by the Dean-SASS, Dr. Rose Auma, along with the Chairperson of Journalism and Mass Communication Department, Dr. Lydia Anyonje.

“Industry-academia linkages are critical to pushing youngsters into the real world of work. We look forward to partnering with you in the training of Journalism students,” said Dr. Auma, adding that the next step will be to concretize this relationship by signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). She further expressed gratitude to the Nairobi-based Media Lab for reaching out to the Western region of Kenya, particularly to MMUST.

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Dr. Rose Auma (left) with Dr. Lydia Anyonje during the courtesy call.

During the courtesy call, Dr. Lydia Anyonje stated that the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication (JMC) has been partnering with other key players in the media industry, including, Deutsche Welle (DW) Akademie, as well as the Media Council of Kenya (MCK). “There are several areas that the University and Baraza Media Lab can collaborate in, such as community outreach and capacity building. We are ready to partner with you on multiple fronts,” said the COD, who is also the Director of Corporate Communications and Marketing at MMUST.

“Baraza Media Lab, launched in 2019, is an initiative that is dedicated to strengthening the Kenyan media ecosystem, by rebuilding trust amongst the key players and addressing challenges faced in the ecosystem,” revealed Ms. Benter Dongo. Ms. Dongo pointed out that the Media Lab has partnered with the County Government of Nairobi, the private sector, recently spreading its wings to the Western region. “This region has a lot of talent and creativity, and we anticipate exploring them together,” she added.

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Baraza Media Lab’s Ms. Benter Dongo talks to Journalism and Mass Communication students at 103.9 MMUST FM Newsroom.

Baraza Media Lab’s Executive Director, Mr. Maurice Otieno, stated that the industry is now going to the institutions of higher learning as it recognizes their role in providing solutions through training, research and innovation. “Our team organized the Africa Media Festival which took place in February 2023, an event that opened up an outlet for us to work with Universities. We are interested in working with Universities because we believe that we share the same vision of discovering new trends and technologies,” said. Mr. Otieno.

“As the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, we are eager to formalize this partnership because it will provide an opportunity for our students to interact with media professionals who will mentor them as they transition into the workplace,” stated Mr. Wafula Nyongesa, a lecturer at JMC Department. 103.9 MMUST FM radio presenter and producer, Ms. Nancy Imali, reiterated that she was pleased with the discussions, saying that she has no doubt that the partnership will lead the University into the right direction. Similarly, Ms. Marvin Wangatia, a technical operator at the University’s radio station, said that the visit by the Baraza Media Lab team is a good starting point for better things to come.

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MMUST, Baraza Media Lab and Kakamega Community Center teams at the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication.

Community and Operations Lead at the Media Lab, Ms. Cynthia Muthoni, as well as Mr. Marcus Olang, the Chief Photographer at Stills by Marcus, were also present during the courtesy call. The Baraza Media Lab team was accompanied by the Executive Director of Kakamega Community Center, Mr. Nixon Odari and the Director Art and Media at the same Center, Ms. Thelma Marita.

MMUST is indeed committed to ensuring that its students are equipped with skills and knowledge required for both local and international job markets. The importance of linking industry with academia cannot be understated and this partnership will certainly enable journalism students to have a seamless transition into the real world of work.

By Wangari Wambugu

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