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MMUST’s Research on Environment and Human Security in the Lake Victoria Basin Likely to Reduce the Impact of Climate Change for Bungoma Residents.

Prof. Josephine Ngaira making her opening remarks.


MMUST’s research on environment and human security in the Lake Victoria basin is likely to reduce the impact of climate change for Bungoma residents. On 14th August 2023, a research team from MMUST held a meeting with the Bungoma County representatives led by the Director of Climate Change at Ministry of Environment, Ms. Jane Gitau, and representatives from the Kenya Red Cross Society, Ms. Loreen Orembo and Ms. Margaret Wanyonyi at the Green Valle hotel.  The aim of the meeting was to discuss the drivers and impacts of climate change as well as the measures put in place for mitigation and adaptation to the climate change crisis.

MMUST’s research team comprised of Prof. Josephine Ngaira, Prof. Edward Neyole (PI), Prof. Frank Matanga, Dr. Ferdinand Nabiswa, Dr. Edward Mugalavai and Dr. Saidi Fwamba who are currently researching on ‘The Impact of Environment and Human Security in the Lake Victoria Basin’. Other members of the MMUST research team are Ms. Betty Opilo and Mr. Canon Omondi.

Speaking at the function, Prof. Ngaira pointed out that it is critical to strengthen the collaborations with the County Government of Bungoma and other stakeholders in order to deal with the effects of climate change. “The focus of this research is to evaluate the impacts of Climate Change on communities within the Lake Basin, specifically, Bungoma County, as a water tower,” said the prolific researcher, Prof. Ngaira.


Prof. Edward Neyole presenting at the meeting.

The Principal Investigator, Prof. Neyole discussed the urgency of tackling climate change- related issues jointly, by all stakeholders, in order to secure the livelihoods of future generations.  

 “It is important to address climate change and its potential consequences to Bungoma County and the surrounding communities, given its unique and diverse biophysical environment. There is a need for collaborative efforts and formulation of effective mitigation strategies among stakeholders in research,” stated the PI, Prof. Neyole.

Participants at the meeting shared valuable insights and experiences related to climate change impacts and on-going initiatives in the region. Some of the drivers of climate change discussed during the meeting include deforestation, unsustainable farming practices, inadequate waste management and the resulting impacts on biodiversity, water resources, agriculture and human settlements.


Participants at the meeting.

During the meeting, the issue of community involvement and awareness in addressing climate change came out strongly, including the need for capacity building programmes, public education campaigns and community-led initiatives on climate change to promote resilience within the County.

The project has set out to determine what measures various stakeholders have put in place and when and whether or not they are effective. This includes identifying gaps, challenges and opportunities for training institutions such as MMUST. Once they get the profile of the impacts, mitigation, and response of the civil society such as Red Cross-Kenya, climate induced disasters in Bungoma County will be effectively managed.  

This stakeholder meeting is a crucial step towards fostering a strong partnership between the MMUST research team and the Bungoma County Government to ensure that the project's findings and recommendations are effectively integrated into local policies and actions. The research is a product of the University Research Fund (URF), a clear indication that Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology is a front runner in the region’s efforts to enhance intervention measures for reducing the impact of climate change. 

By Dr. Lydia Anyonje and Caren Nekesa 

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