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MMUST Scholars Roll Out A Programme To Enhance Participation Of Learners With Visual Impairment In PE And Sports In Inclusive Primary Schools Within Kakamega County

Workshop participants at Kakamega Sports Club.


A team of scholars from MMUST have rolled out a programme in a bid to enhance participation of learners with Visual Impairment (VI) in physical education and sports in inclusive primary schools within Kakamega County. On Thursday, 24th August, 2023, the researchers, led by the Principal Investigator (PI)- Dr. Christine Wanjala, held a dissemination Workshop at Kakamega Sports Club. They were drawn from Optometry and Vision Sciences, Health promotion and Sports Sciences, Education Planning and Management, as well as Psychology Departments.

The research, titled ‘Level of Participation of Learners with Visual Impairment in Physical Education and Sports in Inclusive Primary Schools in Kakamega County’, sought to develop interventions aimed at enhancing the level of participation of learners with VI in physical education and sports. It involved special needs and physical education teachers from the sampled inclusive primary schools within Kakamega County. The Workshop attracted participation from MMUST’s international partners in Optometry, from the University of Johannesburg (South Africa), University of Cape coast Ghana, University of South-Eastern Norway and African Eye institute (South Africa) who attended virtually.

The Co-PIs of the project are; the Chairperson-Department of Education Planning and Management (EPM), Dr. Pamela Buhere, the Chairperson-Department of Educational Psychology, Dr. Edward Khasakhala, Dr. Monica Mwangi (Department of Optometry and Vision Sciences) and Ms. Ednah Sabiri (Department of Health Promotion and Sports Science).

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Dr. Edward Khasakhala makes a presentation.

Speaking after opening the event, the Director-Research and Postgraduate Support, Prof. Francis Orata, who was also representing the DVC (Planning, Research and Innovation), emphasized the importance of results dissemination and publications as major outputs of the implementation of the University Research Fund (URF). “There is a need to plan and to provide progress reports, as well as to communicate research activities in the course of a study,” said Prof. Orata, adding that URF funding is seed money that should enable MMUST researchers to attract external funding.

“This study speaks to the current issue of inclusive education. Researchers should collaborate with communities in coming up with local solutions, such as improvisation and development of adaptive sporting materials to enhance the participation of learners with visual impairment in physical education,” stated the Director-Privately Sponsored Student Programs and Campuses, and the In-Charge University Advancement Office, Prof. Peter Bukhala. He also called on PE and Special Needs teachers to collaborate with local manufacturers for assistive devices in order to enhance the teaching of physical education.

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Prof. Bukhala gives his remarks at the Workshop.

According to Dr. Wanjala, the research was driven by the rising challenges among school going children with visual impairment, which have a direct effect on the performance of these learners. “MMUST’s Department of Optometry and Vision Sciences is committed to improving eye health within communities, which is evident by the numerous eye screening outreaches conducted regularly,” stated the Principal Investigator, who is also the Chairperson- Department of Optometry and Vision Sciences.

Dr. Monica Mwangi’s presentation was on ‘Prevalence of Visual Impairment Among Learners Attending Inclusive Primary Schools’. She emphasized the importance of proper, early and Frequent diagnosis of visual impairment among learners in Inclusive Primary Schools. The second presentation by Dr. Pamela Buhere and Dr. Edward Khasakhala on ‘Level of Participation of Learners with Visual Impairment in Physical Education and Sports in Inclusive Primary Schools’, highlighted the need to investigate why the prevalence of Visual impairment is higher for the boy child compared to girl child. In addition, it underscored the need for training special needs teachers in sporting activities in these schools.

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Workshop participants follow keenly.

Another presenter, from the EMP Department, Dr. Zilpah Kageha discussed ‘The Level of Adherence to Policy on Learners with Visual Impairment in Relation to Physical Activity and Sports in Inclusive Primary Schools’. Dr. Kageha noted that there is need to interrogate and implement the policies that enhance inclusivity in schools. This resonated with the remarks from the international participants who called for multi-stakeholder collaboration in the provision of solutions to upscale the participation of learners with VI in PE and sports.

The findings of these researchers from MMUST as well as their roll out of a programme targeted at participation of learners with VI in physical education and sports, will certainly transform the physical education and sports environment in schools. It is evident that MMUST has taken the lead in providing solutions to improve the fortunes of school going children with VI.

By Dr. Lydia Anyonje and Wangari Wambugu 

Photos by Shiundu Masafu 

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