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MMUST’s Participation in the Farmer’s Field Day and Exhibition at Musembe Technical and Vocational Training Institute, Revives Talks on Collaboration Between the Two Institutions.

Prof. Bendict Alala and the CEO- Musembe Technical and Vocational Training Institute, Ms. Wasike Khayanga, visit one of the exhibition stands of the local farmers from Chekalini and beneficiary of Musembe Institute Agricultural Project.

MMUST’s participation in the Farmer’s Field Day and Exhibition at Musembe Technical and Vocational Training Institute has revived talks of collaboration between the two institutions. This took place on Wednesday 27 September, 2023, at the Musembe Institute, formerly known as Lugari Community Resource Centre, in Chekalini ward, Lugari- Kakamega County. The event themed ‘’, brought together local farmers, private sector players, students and learners from the neighboring schools, and many other stakeholders. The Chief Guest, the Deputy Vice Chancellor, Planning Research and Innovation, Prof. Charles Mutai, was represented by the Director, AIDS Control, Gender and Disability Mainstreaming Unit, Prof. Benedict Alala. Prof. Alala is also an Associate Professor at the Department of Accounting and Finance in the School of Business.

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Participants keenly follow presentations by the farm attendant- Musembe Technical and Vocational Training Institute, Mr. Johnson Ayumba during the farm tour.

In his speech read on his behalf by Prof. Alala, Prof. Mutai emphasized on the significance of the Field Day and exhibition, saying that it represents a pivotal event where academia, agriculture, and industry converge to chart a path towards a more resilient and prosperous future, with regard to sustainable farming practices. 

“It is undeniable that our world is facing unprecedented challenges due to climate change. Unpredictable weather patterns and extreme weather events have become all too familiar and are posing a direct threat to agriculture - our primary source of sustenance and livelihoods. Climate Smart Agriculture is here to help us in adapting our practices to the new realities of a changing climate. Let us integrate climate resilient practices, harness clean energy solutions and utilize advanced technologies to optimize agricultural productivity while minimizing environmental degradation,” read the speech.

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The Director, AIDS Control, Gender and Disability Mainstreaming Unit, Prof. Benedict Alala addressing the participants at the event.

Additionally, Prof. Mutai’s speech emphasized on the aspect of trade, pointing out that it is the cornerstone of economic growth and development, which provides a pathway to expand market opportunities and improve the livelihoods of farmers. The speech further stressed on the need for promoting a culture of trade that is fair, inclusive and transparent in order to facilitate access to the national and international markets, noting that collaboration is key among all stakeholders to propel innovation forward in the sector.


Prof. Alala planting a tree to commemorate the day.  

Giving his remarks, Prof. Alala commended the leadership of Musembe Institute for organizing the event, taking note of its timeliness as the world is championing solutions and ambitious actions to drive the transition to a low-carbon, equitable and climate resilient economy.

 “This is a great initiative and I believe that the community is willing to embrace the idea of smart agriculture. Climate change is real and we can see what is happening across the globe. For us to manage these issues associated with climate change, smart agriculture is a necessity,” he said. Prof. Alala made an appeal to the participants to make use of the locally available materials that many consider as waste, to innovate and create products of use in their communities.

The Chief Executive Officer, Musembe Institute, Ms. Wasike Khayanga thanked the University for honoring their invite. “We are honored to have you here and are looking forward to connecting, growing and working with you,” she stated as she shared the background, courses and projects done by the institution.

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The Chief Executive Officer, Musembe Institute, Ms. Wasike Khayanga makes her remarks.

Other notable personalities present included the Director of the institution, Mr. Boaz Bulimu; Chief- Chekalini Ward, Mr. Julius Mpapale; the Institute Administrator, Mr. Desmond Omondi; the Assistant Operations Manager, Ms. Rose Namunga and tutors of the respective programmes offered at the Institute.

It is worth noting that the event provided farmers, private sector players, and stakeholders a platform to exchange ideas, showcase innovative solutions, and explore collaborative opportunities. The attendees also experienced interactive exhibitions and live demonstrations of cutting-edge farming techniques, conservation practices, and the preferrable organic farming techniques. 

It is without contention that the institute is set out on a mission to give small-scale farmers from the region a chance for better lives by ensuring they get better harvests by providing them with access to modern agricultural tools and knowledge. By choosing to partner with MMUST, the impact on these communities will definitely be felt.

By Caren Nekesa
Photos by Wangari Wambugu

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