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MMUST Innovators Taken Through How to Pitch their Innovations to Prospective Partners and Investors

From Left to Right: Scientist Mr. James Sakwa, Prof John Muoma,Mr. Fred Otswongo, Mr Harun Opande Olwichi

The FOIPAL LTD Director Mr. Frederick Otswongo had a two-day visit to the Science Park. His first day visit on 27th Sept 2023 on review of the filed Intellectual property coincided with a meeting between Mr. Harun Opande Olwichi, a member of the community who has developed a modern flashing toilet pit latrine. This is an innovation whose prototype has been developed, packaged and several of the products developed in partnership for use in a number of schools in western Kenya. Accompanied by a renown bio-safety expert Mr. James Sakwa Wakungwi who is a member of staff in the Department of Medical Laboratory Sciences, Mr. Olwichi and Mr. Wakungwi are planning to venture into a partnership which will culminate into proposal development, research and community outreach towards mitigation of sanitation on the shores of Lake Victoria. A proposal due for submission to the Melinda gates foundation with MMUST as a partner in response to the running 2023 call will be a great opportunity for the School of Public Health, Biomedical Sciences and Technology.

Mr. Otswongo advised the duo to first protect the prototype as stipulated in the IPR policy. This would then be followed by setting up a start-up company to build the modern pit latrines and in the process support agriculture and the livelihoods of communities in Western and Nyanza regions. Hence a working modality which may culminate into an MOU between MMUST and the Mumias community where Mr. Olwichi comes from was deemed necessary to ease the implementation of the innovation project. Mr. Otswongo from FOIPAL LTD is in the process of the meeting institute completion of the prototype protection by filing the disclosure form and including the community project among the outreach start-up in MMUST.

On 28th September 2023, innovators supported by the University innovation fund learnt how to pitch their innovation to prospective partners and investors. This program was moderated by a team from FOIPAL Ltd led by Mr. Otswongo. The successful pitching meeting had Dr. Cedric Okinda who shared a MMUST multipurpose smart-card for students which is in the process of protection @ KIPI registration No.KE/U/2023/2209. If the prototype is adopted, it will revolutionize how students access services in MMUST.

Dr. Patrick Okoth presented his project on 3D printing of low cost spectacles which uses locally available material. A prototype which was developed in partnership with Kaimosi Friends University. FOIPAL Ltd Director encouraged the innovator to put up a budget so that he could approach prospective partners who can help him set up a start-up and commercialize the product as it can increase access to cheap glasses for people with eye problems.

02 OCTOBER 2023Y

Innovators supported by the DVC-PRI University Innovation Fund (UIF) during the 28th September 2023 Innovation Pitching Workshop

Other innovations pitched included a variety of apps supported with the DVC-PRI office during the 1st Students Innovation call for concepts which incorporates AI and ICT in the 2022/23 Financial year. The projects presented included the early and late potato blight identifier by Mr. Hesbon Amwayi which will reduce spread of blight by developing an early detection mechanism. Mr. Kelvin Kiprotich presented an app on Soil nutrient index and monitoring which will build a foundation for precision agriculture. The tool will enable farmers to identify and use of the right type of fertilizer in cases of soil deficient soils. The project is work in progress and with appropriate bio-sensor probes, Mr. Kiprotich hopes to ease farmer’s fertilizer selection process. Similarly, Mr. Maurice Otieno a Masters student at MMUST KILIMO (MM KILIMO) a registered trade name working with Dr. Mary Kariaga and Dr. Rose Onamu has spearheaded the development of a fungicide KIPI registration No. KE/P/2023/458. A new natural product on the offing in the University and available for further development. Janet Tarus presented an app which will provide a platform for management of neglected diseases. The app whose coding has been done, should enable easy access to people suffering from Tunga Penetrans infection, lymphoma and leprosy. It should also and link the affected person to the nearest health facility.

Mr. Harrison Odhiambo an MSc student of Bioinfomatics presented his work on in-silico anti malaria drug discovery. A platform which if developed may open up research in new antimalarial drugs.

The workshop offered a great interaction session which will continuously link innovators with prospective industries to enable upscale and hopefully commercialization of research and innovation outputs from Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology.

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