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MMUST Has Adopted a Participatory Approach in Implementation of the University Council 90-Day Plan for Improved Service Delivery and Customer Satisfaction

The workshop participants at Golf Hotel-Kakamega.

Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology is implementing the University Council 90-day plan for Union Officials (UASU, KUSU and KUDHEIHA) and Student leadership to maintain and enhance our standards of service delivery at the University. This was done in a workshop that was held on 3 and 4 October 2023 at Golf Hotel, Kakamega. The aim of the workshop is to embrace teamwork and commitment through collaborative efforts of all actors to achieve high standards of service delivery and customer satisfaction.

The workshop was officially opened by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Planning, Research and Innovation)-Prof. Charles Mutai who was representing the Vice Chancellor. While presenting on the ‘Implementation of the University Council 90-Day Plan’, Prof. Mutai noted that the 90-day plan consists of 5 pillars. The pillars are, ‘Serve our MMUST Customer (Students)’, ‘Processes and Systems’, ‘Innovation and Technology’, ‘Revenue Generation and Sustainability’, and ‘Accelerating Social Values. 

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The Deputy Vice Chancellor (Planning, Research and Innovation)-Prof. Charles Mutai making a presentation during the conference.

“The benefits of the 90-day plan are; that it keeps track of goals, builds trust and team cohesion, better time management and it also encourages periodic performance review. This will help staff to maximize their output and productivity,’ said Prof. Mutai.

Concurring with his counterpart, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic and Students Affairs)-Prof. Hussein Golicha stated that it is a collective role to ensure that the students who are our major clients are well served and mentored.

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The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Planning, Research and Innovation)-Prof. Charles Mutai (seated center), a section of University managers and Student Leaders during the workshop.

The Registrar of Academic Affairs, Prof. Thomas Sakwa encouraged the officials to the officials to utilize the knowledge and skills of its experienced staff to be drivers of revenue sourcing to the institution. Further, the Director, Performance Monitoring and Evaluation (PME), Prof. Joseph Nasongo highlighted areas that require review in the Service Charter to enable improved service standards to our customers.

“As a globally competitive institution, we care about the satisfaction of our customers and value their loyalty. It is therefore important to provide excellent service to our clients and stakeholders,” he stated.

Similarly, the Registrar of Administration, Dr. Eglay Tsuma took the participants through a presentation on Culture Change. She noted that it is important to create a framework of Cultural change by aligning the internal culture with the vision and core values.

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The Registrar of Administration, Dr. Eglay Tsuma making remarks during the workshop.

“We are living in a world where old rules are being shattered and radical change is becoming a routine. An organization that executes well will have the confidence, speed, and resources to move fast as new opportunities emerge,” she added.

On the second day of the workshop, the student leadership led by the MMUSO President Mr. Benjamin Mutisya participated in making reviews to the plan to meet the needs of students.

“We are happy that the University Management has students’ interests at heart. Certainly, this is a plan that is going to tell the story of MMUST in a better way. I urge you fellow leaders to embrace this plan and bring the required change in your respective areas you are representing,” he stressed.

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The MMUSO President Mr. Benjamin Mutisya speaking at the workshop.

The other notable presenters at the workshop included Prof. Danstone Lilechi (Director of Quality Services), Dr. Teresa Okoth (Director of Career Services), CPA Stella Wanjala, and Mr. Geoffrey Kones (Manager of ICT). The presentations were geared towards re-engineering procedures and automation of services for quality service delivery.

With the implementation of this Plan, it is evident that MMUST puts its customer interests first and continuously provides timely and quality services that match their expectations. It is the role of all staff to uphold high moral standards and professional competence in service delivery to attain this. 

By Linet Owuor

Photos by Shiundu Masafu

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