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MMUST Optometrists Provide Eye-Free Screening to Detect Uncorrecteddiffractive Errors in Learners in Local Primary Schools in Kakamega County

Dr. Nelson Rivera screening the eyes of a learner at Muslim Primary School.


MMUST optometrists in partnership with VOSH International carried out a campaign on screening to identify uncorrected diffractive errors, in learners in local primary schools in Kakamega County. The team, led by one of the Clinical instructors at the Department of Optometry, Ms. Sheila Nangena, conducted free eye screening in several schools including Muslim Primary School in Mumias, where they concluded the exercise. The campaign seeks to identify learners who are in classes with the condition and do not have spectacles. They dispensed spectacles to the learners while severe cases were referred to the University Eye Clinic for further diagnosis and treatment.

Speaking to the learners during the eye screening, Ms. Nangena stated that the program is targeting learners who have eye problems and cannot speak out about the issue like, the short-sighted and the long-sighted people they cannot see as normal people. Through this program, they will be able to be supported with drugs and spectacles which will assist them in learning.

‘‘VOSH International gave some money that was marked by the national rotary to support the activities and asked their colleagues to donate spectacles, they are here for two weeks for this exercise,’’ she said.

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One of the fifth-year students helping a learner to fit spectacles

One of the Optometrists from VOSH International, Dr. Nelson Rivera stated as an organization, they offer various services including offering lectures online and donating equipment, they are trying to improve the standards of optometry schools all over the world and also they support outreaches.

Speaking during the eye screening exercise Mr. Andrew Wekesa (Clinical Instructor at the Department of Optometry) noted that their mission is to screen all schools in Kakamega County, to provide support to students through the provision of eyeglasses, to create awareness in the community on the importance of taking care of ‘your eyes’ and sensitization on things that interferes with the eyesight. This will reduce cases of eye complications. The other staff from the Department were Dr. Julius Rono and Mr. Alfred Ragot.

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Clinical instructor at the Department of Optometry, Ms. Sheila Nangena dispensing spectacles to learners.

The service was being done with the help of MMUST Optometry students in the 5th year who were just from the clinical attachment, this is also part of their course during their final year. The exercise also impacts a lot of the students like; experiencing different cultures, they are now able to solve real cases concerning eyes in the community, and also are able to look at available markets.

By Linet Owuor and Wilson Nyawir

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