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MMUST Becomes a Thriving Hub for Global Academic Exchange as It Hosts Ms. Marlene Svingen from the University of South-Eastern Norway Courtesy of EYE-FX Project

Ms.  Marlene Svingen (seated far right), a staff member from the University of South-Eastern Norway (USN) together with the MMUST team during her visit to the Directorate of International Relations and Academic Linkages (DIAL).


Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (MMUST) has become a thriving hub for global academic exchange, as it continues to host staff members and students from international Universities including the University of South-Eastern Norway (USN). This year, MMUST is hosting Ms.  Marlene Svingen, a staff member from the USN Department of Optometry on an exchange program at MMUST’s Department of Optometry and Vision Sciences, courtesy of the EYE-FX Project, which is sponsored by the Norwegian Agency for Exchange Cooperation (NOREC). Ms. Svingen has been in the University for the past one week and will stay until Friday, 20th October 2023.

Today 13th October 2023, Ms. Svingen under the guidance of the Chairperson of Department (CoD) for Optometry and Vision Sciences - Dr. Christine Wanjala, paid a courtesy call to the Directorate of International Relations and Academic Linkages (DIAL). The two, together with Ms. Winnie Chebii, one of the senior accountants in the University were received by the Director DIAL, Dr. Umulkher Ali, who extended a gracious welcome to Ms. Svingen into the institution.

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Participants during the courtesy call to the Directorate of International Relations and Academic Linkages (DIAL).

“Welcome to MMUST! We are honored to have you join us in our pursuit of academic excellence and global understanding. Your presence here serves as a testament to our commitment to fostering cross-cultural collaboration and nurturing a vibrant international community on our campus,” remarked Dr. Umulkher. She stressed on the opportunity presented for both institutions to learn from one another, noting that it will give each institution a chance to pick the best practices for adoption.

It is worth noting that DIAL will organize an interactive meeting between Ms. Svingen and MMUST’s international students’ guild, in an effort to further Ms. Svingen’s educational and cultural experience in the University.

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The Director of International Relations and Academic Linkages (DIAL), Dr. Umulker Ali gifts Ms.  Marlene Svingen after the courtesy call. Flanking her are (right) the COD Optometry- Dr. Christine Wanjala, and (left) Ms. Winne Chebii, senior accountant in the University.

MMUST is committed to embracing global exchange as the international staff and students it receives from other Universities and its very own students whom it sends out on academic and cultural exchange programmes continue to catalyze cross-cultural collaboration. Certainly, these visits mark a significant milestone in MMUST's commitment to fostering global partnerships and nurturing a diverse academic environment.

By Caren Nekesa 

Photos by Shiundu Masafu

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