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The Institute of Indigenous Knowledge, Cultural Studies, and Climate Change Partners With Key Stakeholders in the Documentation and Digitalization of Indigenous Knowledge Intellectual Assets in Kakamega County

The Governor of Kakamega County- H.E. Hon. FCPA Fernandes Barasa (at the center with traditional attire), the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Solomon Shibairo (sixth from left) together with the Community leaders.


MMUST’s Institute of Indigenous Knowledge, Cultural Studies, and Climate Change has partnered with other key stakeholders in the documentation and digitalization of indigenous knowledge intellectual assets in Kakamega County. This was evident during a four-day training workshop aimed at preparing data collectors to participate in the preservation of indigenous artistry within Kakamega County. The event, which has been underway within the University’s grounds since Monday 16 October, 2023 will officially come to a close on Thursday 19 October 2023. This event was graced by the Governor of Kakamega County- H.E. Hon. FCPA Fernandes Barasa who was accompanied by the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Solomon Shibairo, and the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Planning Research and Innovation, Prof. Charles Mutai.

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The Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Planning Research and Innovation, Prof. Charles Mutai speaking during the event.

Speaking at the event, Prof. Shibairo stressed the threats posed by modernization and climate change to this sector, noting that there is an urgent need to document and protect indigenous artistry and practices. He pledged that MMUST will continue to collaborate with other experts to effectively document and safeguard the diverse range of indigenous artistry.  

In agreement, Hon. Fernandes reiterated that the County houses people from diverse ethnicities, backgrounds, and traditions. He noted that documenting indigenous artistry therefore becomes a means to honor and celebrate the diverse cultural heritage, allowing for the preservation of unique art forms, traditional knowledge, and historical practices that form an integral part of the County’s identity.

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The Governor of Kakamega County- H.E. Hon. FCPA Fernandes Barasa keenly following presentations during the workshop.

The initiative has garnered support and participation from a number of stakeholders, including the National Museums of Kenya, the County Government of Kakamega- Ministry of Culture, the Nabongo Cultural Centre, the Council of Elders and Indigenous Knowledge Holders on Luhya communities within Kakamega County. Similarly, the initiative is focusing on key thematic areas including the Establishment and Application of the Indigenous Knowledge Innovation Bank; the Commercialization of African Indigenous Vegetables; the Harnessing of Indigenous Wild Fruits as a Commercial Venture; and Research on Herbal Immune Boosting. These will contribute to the goal of the initiative, which is to ‘promote the growth of a robust and competitive natural products sub-sector for sustainable socio-economic development in Kenya.’

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A section of the community leaders applauding one of the speakers at the workshop.

It is with certainty that the MMUST Institute remains committed to fostering an environment where different communities together with their unique artistries are recognized and celebrated. With the combined efforts of the data collectors and the unwavering support of the community, this collaboration certainly, endeavors to create a lasting legacy that pays homage to the profound cultural richness embedded within the tapestry of indigenous life.

By Caren Nekesa and Linet Owuor 

Photos by Shiundu Masafu 

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