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Faculties Usher in a New Era of Leadership as Deans Elect Pledge Visionary Leadership

Mr. Moses Onyango (Presiding Officer) during the counting of votes.


Faculties at the University have ushered in a new era of leadership as they cast their votes to elect new Deans. With a competitive pool of candidates vying for the various faculties Dean’s positions, the election turnout was remarkable as both candidates and voters demonstrated their dedication to shaping the future of the institution. The election held today, 18th October 2023 was organized by the office of the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic and Student Affairs).                                                                                   

The schools that elected Deans included the School of School of Agriculture Veterinary Sciences and Technology (SAVET), the School of Business Education (SOBE), the School of Education (SEDU), the School of Natural Science (SONAS), the School of Nursing Midwifery and Paramedical Sciences (SONMAPS), School of Engineering and Built Environment (SEBE)and School of Public Health Biomedical Sciences and Technology (SPHBS&T).

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A section of the Deans Electoral Board.

The winners of the Dean’s elections who carried the day were Dr. Joseph Owino, Prof. Moses Poipoi, Prof. Eng. Bernadette Sabuni, and Mr. John Arudo who were unopposed and retained their seats as the Deans SONAS, SEDU, SEBE, and SONMAPS respectively. The other winners of the hotly contested elections were Dr. Dishon Wanjere -SOBE, Dr. Vitalis Ogema-SAVET, and Dr. Evans Rabala- SPHBS&T.

The elections were overseen by IEBC Officer Mr. Salim Abdala and presided over by the members of the Deans Electoral Board led by Prof. Josephine Ngaira. The other members of the board included the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic and Student Affairs) Prof. Hussein Golicha (Returning Officer), Prof. Basil Ong’or, Prof. Thomas Sakwa (Secretariat), Prof. Mary Kipmeriwo, Prof. Francis Shivoga, Dr. Teresa Okoth, and Dr. Umulkher Ali. The other election officials were Mr. Moses Onyango (Presiding Officer), Dr. Beatrice Shikuku, and Dr. Roselyne Abwalaba (Deputy Presiding Officer).  

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The SEBE Dean Elect Prof. Eng. Bernadette Sabuni receiving her certificate from the Returning Officer Prof. Hussein Golicha.

This was an election with a very high voter turnout that sparked a lot of interest. According to the Returning Officer Prof. Hussein Golicha, the process was free, fair, and open. “I believe that the people who have been elected are competent and have the ability to move the respective Schools to the next level,” he said.  

The Chairperson of the Dean’s Elections Board, Prof. Ngaira noted that the voting began on time and was carried out systematically. “We have delivered a credible election!” said Prof. Ngaira.

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The SPHBS&T Dean Elect Dr. Evans Raballa receiving his certificate from the Returning Officer Prof. Hussein Golicha.

While giving their acceptance speeches, the elected Deans thanked the electoral board for overseeing the elections with a lot of transparency and fairness. They appreciated the academic staff for trooping out massively to participate in the voting process.

“Thank you for showing your confidence in me by entrusting me with the onerous but honorable and noble task of taking the lead once again in steering SEDU to higher levels. I am indebted to you for your immense support. I will not let you down!” assured Prof. Poipoi.

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The SEDU Dean Elect Prof. Moses Poipoi receiving his certificate from the Returning Officer Prof. Hussein Golicha.

Similarly, the SOBE Dean elect Dr. Dishon Wanjere expressed gratitude to his all those who supported him. “Your unwavering support and confidence in my leadership is inspiring and motivating.  I assure you that I will work tirelessly to fulfill the promises I made to you during my campaign,” he said.

It is worth noting that the University provided a level playing ground for all the contestants and ensured that there was a high level of transparency in the electoral process to guarantee equal opportunity without any form of interference. 

By Linet Owuor

Photos by Shiundu Masafu

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