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"Newly Elected Deans Take Oath of Office, Determined to Foster an Environment of Excellence

DVC-PRI Prof. Charles Mutai (far right), Chairperson, Deans Electoral Board- Prof. Josephine Ngaira, DVC ASA- Prof. Hussein Golicha together with the newly elected Deans.


On Thursday 19th October 2023, the newly elected Deans took the oath of office, pledging their unwavering commitment to fostering an environment of excellence across the seven Schools. The auspicious ceremony, held at the Vice Chancellor’s Boardroom, marked a significant stride towards the academic transformation of the University. Amidst an atmosphere charged with anticipation and enthusiasm, the newly elected Deans articulated their visions, emphasizing the need for teamwork. The event was attended by the University Management, led by the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Solomon Shibairo; the Legal Officer, Mr. Gregory Ombito; the Electoral Board members led by the Chair, Prof. Josephine Ngaira and the Students’ President, Mr. Benjamin Mutisya.

Addressing the audience, Prof. Shibairo underscored the significance of the occasion, recognizing the pivotal role that the incoming Deans would play in shaping the University’s academic landscape and fostering a culture of excellence. Speaking on effective leadership, he reminded the Deans of their responsibility towards their students’ and staff’s welfare.  He noted that their mandate is not just to oversee administrative tasks but to inspire a shared vision through fostering a culture of collaboration and nurturing a sense of purpose among their faculty members and students.


The Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Solomon Shibairo addressing the Deans during the swearing-in ceremony.

Reiterating, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Academic and Student Affairs, Prof. Hussein Golicha stated that leadership is not a short race but a marathon. He clarified, noting that effective leadership requires long-term dedication, endurance, and perseverance, rather than relying on short-term gains or immediate results. Prof. Golicha challenged the newly elected Deans to possess patience, resilience, and a vision for sustained success, as opposed to focusing solely on immediate achievements.

Similarly, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Planning, Research, and Innovation Prof. Charles Mutai challenged the Deans to cultivate understanding with their faculty members. This he said, is instrumental in fostering a positive work culture that enhances team performance, and ultimately contributes to the achievement of the School’s and the University’s broader goals.

The Chairperson of Dean’s Election Board, Prof. Josephine Ngaira reported that her team successfully delivered their assigned mandate, which was to deliver a free, fair, and credible election. She pointed out that this particular election was unique because of reasons such as the 100% voter turn-out with no disputed, rejected, or spoilt vote. Prof. Ngaira further revealed that the agents to the elected Deans were all Professors and Senior Lecturers and commended the voter’s humility and respect for the electoral officers.

“Let us emulate the humility of senior officers in the University. Let us respect each other irrespective of our age, gender, and ethnic background,” remarked Prof. Ngaira.

Prior to the swearing-in, the legal Officer, Mr. Gregory Ombito congratulated the Deans and wished them success in their tenure.


The Dean SEBE, Prof. Eng. Bernadette Sabuni taking oath of office.

“The oath of office is mandated under the University’s Acts, Statutes and the Education Act. It is important to undergo the ceremony as it ensures that the elected Deans assume their role in accordance with the established legal framework of our institution,” stated Mr. Ombito.

The ceremony came to an end with a deep sense of unity and purpose, as the Deans outlined their plans to implement a comprehensive approach to education, one that integrates cutting-edge research, interdisciplinary collaboration, and global perspectives. Each Dean highlighted their specific objectives tailored to their respective Schools, underscoring the importance of inclusivity, diversity, and holistic development to propel the institution to new heights of academic distinction.  

With a shared commitment to excellence and innovation, the newly sworn-in Deans are set to usher in a transformative era, leaving an enduring legacy of academic achievement and societal contribution for generations to come.

The Dean of the School of Natural Sciences, Dr. Owino taking the oath of office.

 The Dean of the School of Agriculture, Veterinary Sciences and Technology, Dr. Ogemah, taking the oath of office.

The Dean of the School of Education, Prof. Poipoi taking the oath of office.

The Dean of the School of Public Health, Biomedical Sciences & Technology, Dr. Raballa taking the oath of office.

The Dean of the School Of Nursing, Midwifery And Paramedical Sciences Mr. Arudo, taking the oath of office.

The Dean of the School of Business and Economics, Dr. Wanjere taking the oath of office.

By Caren Nekesa  and Linet Owuor 

Photos by Shiundu Masafu

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