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MMUST Social Science Scholars Participate in the Global Anthropological Linguistics Assembly at the SOAS GLOCAL AFALA 2023 Conference, Nairobi

Dr. Benard Mudogo (left), Dr. Lydia Anyonje (centre) and Dean SASS- Dr. Rose Auma (right).


MMUST Social Science Scholars last week participated in the Anthropological Linguistics Assembly at the SOAS GLOCAL AFALA 2023 Conference, held at the University of Nairobi. The event, themed ‘Linguistic Landscapes, Cultural Climates’ which took place from Tuesday, 17th to 21st October 2023 at the Confucius Institute drew participation of scholars across the continent. The MMUST scholars, who participated in the global meeting all hailed from the School of Arts and Social Sciences (SASS). They included the Dean, SASS Dr. Rose Auma, a senior Lecturer from the department of Language and Literature Education- Dr. Benard Mudogo and Director, Corporate Communications and Marketing-Dr. Lydia Anyonje who teaches at the department of Journalism and Mass Communication. The University Marketing officer, Mr. James Muriithi also accompanied them to champion the exhibition of programs offered by SASS and relevant publications from our faculty members.

Besides publicizing our academic programmes, the scholars participated in the conference and talk panels. The team accessed the opportunity through an invite by the University of Nairobi, in collaboration with the GLOCAL unit at SOAS, University of London. They presented on ‘Integrating Indigenous Eco-sophy in Maintaining Africa’s biodiversity: A Survey of Kenya’s Eco linguistics.’ The event was quite interactive, eliciting team synergy across the participants from Kenya, Uganda, Nigeria, South Africa, China and London.

“I am happy to note that GLOCAL supports publishing, and integrity in teaching. We will continue to engage with the Global Council for Anthropological Linguistics whose main goal is to facilitate research and scholarship activities in higher institutions of learning,” stated Dr. Auma as she spoke at the conference.

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The University Marketing officer, Mr. James Muriithi exhibiting at the AFALA 2023 conference.

The AFALA 2023 - The Annual African Assembly on Linguistic Anthropology is significant because African regions have had limited access to this scholarship and to pathways through which to work and publish. In tandem with the Global Council for Anthropological Linguistics’ constitution, the conference directed substantial effort toward encouraging, promoting, and organizing research in the area of Linguistic Anthropology and related fields. Through such initiatives African scholars can be assisted to do this. The AFALA has general papers, colloquia, and poster presentations, as well as booths, workshops, talks, presentations, and anthropological excursions.

Indeed, this conference and exhibition has increased the visibility and scholarship at the School of Arts and Social Sciences and the entire University to a large global audience through the SOAS GLOCAL multimedia (proceedings book, website, the SOAS GLOCAL app Global Council for Anthropological Linguistics.

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Dean SASS- Dr. Rose Auma (right) and Dr. Lydia Anyonje (left).

The GLOCAL conferences and meetings usually invite a very eclectic group of scholars. These individuals include prominent scholars in the range of relevant fields, recipients of awards, those working in global academic contexts, researchers, government and non-government workers, and general independent researchers. As such, The GLOCAL is the centre for global networks in Linguistic Anthropology and pertinent fields. MMUST is on the right track as it interacts with other scholars in seeking to redefine the way we view African Language and Society.

By Dr. Lydia Anyonje 

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