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MMUST Showcases the Value of Academia as It Celebrates the Exemplary Service by Its Long-Serving Professors

The three (3) Professors are escorted to the venue of the ceremony.

Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology on Friday, 27 October, 2023, showcased the value of academia by celebrating the exemplary service of its three (3) long-serving professors; Prof. John Shiundu, Prof. Silvery Oteng'i and Prof. Leonard Wamocho. The event, marked with pomp and colour, was organized by the MMUST Professors’ Forum, and graced by the Vice Chancellor-Prof. Solomon Shibairo

Notably, Prof. Shiundu is a veteran professor of education and a renowned educationist, who has taught, mentored and produced many successful graduates who are now in key positions within the country and beyond. Indeed, he has lived up to his nickname, ‘The Godfather of Education’. Besides being an ardent researcher and education champion, Prof. Shiundu is the founder of the Directorate of Graduate Studies, and was the first Deputy Vice Chancellor-Planning, Research and Extension, now known as Planning, Research and Innovation (PRI).

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The Chairperson of the MMUST Professors’ Forum, Prof. Josephine Ngaira, congratulates Prof. John Shiundu. Looking on is the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Solomon Shibairo.

Prof. Oteng’i, a Professor of agro metrology and an applied scientist, has equally made a mark in his discipline through his expertise in teaching, mentoring and carrying out research. His name is synonymous with the School of Disaster Management and Humanitarian Assistance (SDMHA). In the words of his former student and the current Chairperson of Department-Disaster Preparedness and Engineering Management, Dr. Veronica Kiluva, “Prof. Oteng’i is a mentor, colleague and member of faculty in a department where he has taught most staff and students. I convey my best wishes.”

Similarly, Prof. Wamocho, a Professor of Horticulture, has pioneered the crafting of horticultural programmes in a number of Universities countrywide, including MMUST where he is the founding Dean of the School of Agriculture, Veterinary Sciences and Technology (SAVET).

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Prof. Leonard Wamocho and his mentee Dr. George Mbakaya move to the dais for the former’s citation reading.

“We are here to celebrate another milestone by our senior professors, who have not only had a significant impact on this University, but also the community,” said Prof. Shibairo. He urged the professors to continue contributing to the community and mentoring students, adding that MMUST values their expertise and will always need it.

In his remarks, the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic and Student Affairs), Prof. Hussein Golicha, hailed the professors for enhancing the academic division through their teaching, research and outreach. “As a division, we acknowledge the immense influence that the three professors have had and will continue to have in their specific fields, the University and the entire education sector,” added Prof. Golicha.

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Prof. Silvery Oteng’i is escorted to his seat by Prof. Josephine Ngaira and Prof. Judith Achoka.

“True to the adage that a University is known by its Professors, you have exhibited excellent performance in your areas of expertise, both locally and globally. You taught and mentored Kenya’s best brains in education, meteorology and horticulture, who are following in your footsteps and are now globetrotting as they impart the knowledge the acquired from you three to the entire world,” stated the Chairperson of the MMUST Professors’ Forum, Prof. Josephine Ngaira.

The well-attended event, which was both solemn and exciting, saw mentees extol the virtues, achievements and academic exploits of Prof. Shiundu, Prof. Oteng'i and Prof. Wamocho. The entire ceremony was coached in academic protocol, punctuated by traditional ensembles, who performed dances from the celebrants’ communities. The professors were individually escorted by the MMUST band to their waiting vehicles, which were parked outside the Administration Block A, and had the opportunity to talk to the MMUST and mainstream media about their fields. They were later escorted in a convoy of cars to the Multipurpose Hall (venue of the ceremony) where they were received by Isukuti and Siriri dancers and ushered into the hall.

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Siriri dancers entertain the celebrants during the ceremony at MPH.

The hallmark of the event was the citations’ reading session, an activity that was conducted by the mentees of the three eminent professors. Prof. Shiundu’s citation was read by MMUST’s Director of Performance, Monitoring and Evaluation-Prof. Joseph Nasongo, while that of Prof. Oteng'i was read by the Director of Resource Surveys and Remote Sensing (Office of the Chief of Staff and Head of the Public Service-Executive Office of the President)-Dr. Moses Akali. Prof. Wamocho’s citation was read by the Kakamega County Director of Agriculture-Dr. George Mbakaya.

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A section of the audience at the event.

By celebrating the exemplary service of its three (3) long-serving professors, MMUST has undoubtedly placed a high premium on the value of its professors and other professors across the globe. It is time for institutions of higher learning and nations to begin to appreciate the value of professors in Universities and tap into their expertise. This will ensure their sustainability and future survival.

By Dr. Lydia Anyonje and Wangari Wambugu  

Photos by Shiundu Masafu

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