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Busia County Selects MMUST as a Partner in the Establishment of a Community-Based Livestock Breeding Center

MMUST-Busia County teams at Butula Campus.


The County Government of Busia has selected Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology as a partner in the establishment of the proposed community-based livestock breeding center, set to improve local breeds within Western region. The Center, which is under Busia County’s ‘Ward Level Agriculture Sector Driven Economic Revitalization Programme’, will be set up in the University’s Butula Campus. On Thursday-2nd November, 2023, a team from the School of Agriculture, Veterinary Sciences and Technology (SAVET), met delegates from the County’s Department of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries, Climate Change, Blue Economy and Agribusiness to discuss the Center, as well as other possible areas of collaboration.

“As a School, we are open to working with County Governments because we are committed to enhancing the agricultural sector of the region and the country at large. This collaboration fits right into our community outreach agenda and therefore we look forward to formalizing this partnership by signing a Memorandum of Understanding,” said the former Dean-SAVET, Prof. Jacob Wakhungu.

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Prof. Levi Akundabweni gives his remarks during the MMUST-Busia County consultative meeting at Butula Campus.

The Ag. County Secretary-Busia, Mr. Timothy Odende, acknowledged that MMUST is endowed with experts who are conversant with the current trends in the agricultural sector, adding that they will have a significant impact on their projects. “The County Government of Busia is keen on attaining food security and helping farmers to maximize their profits. By bringing on board an institution that has expertise and vibrant students, I have no doubt that we will achieve this goal,” stated Mr. Odende.

SAVET’s Prof. Levi Akundabweni reiterated that the School is eager to actualize the MoU, adding that there is a great intellect reserve in MMUST, which should be tapped into for the benefit of the community. He added, “Universities play a very crucial role in the knowledge economy, hence we need to equip students with hands-on skills essential for sustainable development. Such partnerships will help us to realize this goal.”


The Coordinator-MMUST Butula Campus, Dr. Joel Ogutu, gives his remarks during the meeting.

“Institutions of higher learning have a responsibility to give back to the community,” echoed Prof. Leonard Wamocho. In his remarks, he emphasized the need for farmers to form cooperatives, saying that it is easier to pass on technology to them if they are in common interest groups. Notably, the Coordinator-MMUST Butula Campus, Dr. Joel Ogutu, extended his gratitude to Busia County for choosing to partner with the University, and added that he anticipated to make a difference in the community through this partnership. Ms. Ursula Samoey equally noted that Universities should not work in isolation, but rather engage communities for economic development.

Other delegates from Busia County present during the meeting were; the Director of Veterinary Services-Dr. Allan F. Ogendo, Assistant Director of Veterinary Services-Dr. Dennis Odhiambo, Dr. Steve Odhiambo and the Director of Livestock-Mr. David Mukabane. MMUST’s Directorate of International Relations and Academic Linkages (DIAL) was also represented in the discussions, by Mr. Nelman Monari.

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From left; Prof. Jacob Wakhungu, Prof. Leonard Wamocho and Prof. Levi Akundabweni follow the discussions.

By creating such partnerships, Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology not only contributes to community development, but also ensures that its students are constantly exposed to the industry, in an effort to equip them with competencies required in the job market. MMUST and Busia County have shown that they are ready to work together for the benefit of the community. The collaboration is off to a great start and will undoubtedly lead to greater things.

By Wangari Wambugu 

Photos by Shiundu Masafu 

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