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Committee Members and Heads of Cost Centers at MMUST Urged to Embrace Productivity for Economic Sustainability of the University and Country at Large

Secretary Productivity-Dr. Nahashon Moitaleel gives his remarks on day 1 of the productivity mainstreaming training at Golf Hotel, Kakamega.

Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology Committee members and Heads of Cost Centers have been advised to embrace productivity in order to achieve economic sustainability in the University and the country as a whole. This was during a four-day productivity mainstreaming training, facilitated by the National Productivity and Competitiveness Centre (NPCC), under the State Department for Labour and Skills Development, which began on 7 November, 2023. The training was officially opened by the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Administration and Finance)-Prof. John Kuria Thuo, and was coordinated by MMUST’s Directorate of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation (PME).

Speaking during the opening ceremony, Prof. Thuo pointed out that the sustainability of any organization largely depends on the productivity of its employees. He stated, “As a University, we are keen on improving our performance and therefore, such training is very crucial to helping us attain this goal.” Likewise, the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Planning, Research and Innovation)-Prof. Charles Mutai, noted that the training was timely, saying that there is an urgent need to cultivate a culture of productivity in MMUST. “I am confident that by the end of this exercise, we will all be conversant with productivity measurement as well as its management,” added Prof. Mutai.

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Prof. John Kuria Thuo (left) with Prof. Charles Mutai during the productivity mainstreaming training.

“This training is part of NPCC’s productivity mainstreaming program, which targets all Ministries, Departments and Agencies in Kenya,” revealed the Secretary Productivity-Dr. Nahashon Moitaleel. Further, he mentioned that through its consultancy and training services, the Centre champions continuous improvement by Kenyan organizations, in a bid to assist them gain competitive advantage among global players.

In her presentation, Ms. Jane Maina, a Productivity Practitioner at NPCC, enlightened the participants as to the computation of labour productivity. She emphasized that employees must improve their labour productivity, adding that the more productive they are, the higher the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). “The only way to become economically sustainable is by embracing productivity,” said Ms. Maina.

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Ms. Jane Maina makes her presentation during the training.

This training is indeed a great plus for the University as it will not only boost its productivity, but also enhance its overall performance. It is an indication of MMUST’s commitment towards contributing to the economic transformation of the country.

By Wangari Wambugu 

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