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Researchers and Innovators at MMUST Set to Protect Their Intellectual Properties for Successful Commercialization

Workshop participants at MMUST.


Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology’s researchers and innovators are set to protect their Intellectual Properties for successful commercialization of their innovations. This was apparent during a two-day training Workshop, which involved the review of Intellectual Properties (IPs) and potential IPs developed by staff and students from the School of Natural Sciences (SONAS), as well as the School of Computing and Informatics (SCI). The Workshop, organized by the Directorate of Science Park Innovation and Incubation Center (SPIIC), in conjunction with Fred Otswong'o and Intellectual Property Associates Limited (FOIPAL Ltd), took place from 21st -22nd November, 2023.

“MMUST places a high value on innovations by its staff and students. The University not only supports the innovation process, but also encourages the registration, protection and commercialization of its Intellectual Properties,” stated the Director of Corporate Communications and Marketing-Dr. Lydia Anyonje, who was standing in for the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Planning, Research and Innovation)-Prof. Charles Mutai. Dr. Anyonje further pointed out that her Directorate is working closely with MMUST researchers and innovators to have them publicized and profiled. “I would like to thank FOIPAL Ltd and SPIIC for their dedication towards ensuring that our innovators know how to protect their Intellectual Properties, and how to go about the commercialization process,” she added.

23 Nov 2023b

Dr. Lydia Anyonje gives her remarks during the Intellectual Property Workshop at MMUST.

Commenting on one of the presentations on block chain technology, the Director-SPIIC, Prof. John Muoma said the institutions of higher learning have a responsibility to share technological knowledge with the communities, which he said is crucial to promoting social development. “In order to attain successful commercialization, innovators must ensure that their innovations have utility for communities,” said Prof. Muoma, who was spearheading the organization of the training Workshop.

“Let us copyright our innovations and protect our trademarks. There is a lot of money at stake for innovators who fail to do this effectively. This is because it is only through commercialization that the researchers and innovators can benefit at a personal level,” said FOIPAL’s Mr. Fred Otswong'o.

23 Nov 2023cMr. Fred Otswong’o gives his remarks during the training Workshop.

The innovations presented during the training Workshop included; ‘Ownership of Digital Content Block Chain Communications’, an Application designed by MMUST’s student Mr. Mokua Omae Obare, to eliminate intermediaries and enable one to buy digital art such as music, digital arts and NFT collections. The other presentation made by Mr. Samuel Mulama, a student from the Department of Biological Sciences, was on ‘Production of Nitrogenous from Human Hair Collected from Kakamega Town’. According to Mr. Mulama, his innovation is a fertilizer extracted from human hair, which is ecosystem friendly while at the same time serving as a waste Management Strategy.

23 Nov 2023f

Mr. Samuel Mulama, a student from the Department of Biological Sciences, explains a point about his innovation.

With such cutting-edge innovations, MMUST’s researchers and innovators are truly living up to the institution’s name as a University of Science and Technology. Protection of their Intellectual Properties will not only lead to successful commercialization of their innovations, but also benefit the community.

By Wangari Wambugu

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