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UASU-MMUST Chapter Leadership Assures Members of Their Commitment to Safeguard Dons’ Dignity and Welfare During the 2023 Annual General Meeting

A section of the UASU MMUST Chapter leaders. From left; the Chairman, UASU MMUST Chapter, Dr. Jairus Odawa, Ag. Chapter Secretary, UASU MMUST- Dr. Humphrey Agevi and Trustee- Prof. Kubasu Kwashe.


The Universities Academic Staff Union (UASU) -Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology Chapter leadership has assured its members of their commitment to safeguard dons’ dignity and welfare as they continue to discharge their mandate of ensuring improved welfare and terms of service. This was revealed during the Annual General Meeting (AGM) themed ‘Safeguarding Dons Dignity and Welfare through a United Front’ which was held on 28th November 2023 at the UASU MMUST Chapter Centre, Milimani, Kakamega.

Speaking during AGM, the Vice Chancellor Prof. Solomon Shibairo stated that the University has the interests of its staff at the core of its business and will continue supporting them. He was accompanied by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Administration and Finance), Prof. John Kuria Thuo.

The AGM was graced by the National Secretary General, Dr. Constantine Wasonga who applauded the MMUST Chapter officials for being at the forefront in championing the rights of its members through engagements with the Management. He further urged the members to be patient as they continue to fight for fairness to all.

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The Chairman, UASU MMUST Chapter, Dr. Jairus Odawa making remarks during the AGM.

The Chairman, UASU MMUST Chapter, Dr. Jairus Odawa appreciated members for their continued support. “We also appreciate the critics, especially those who have come directly to point out where we have fallen short. Your sharp comments have kept us focused on our mandate and service delivery. We shall continue to boldly represent you and speak for you in every forum,” said Dr. Odawa. These remarks were reiterated by the Chapter Secretary General, Dr. Benard Omogo who presented his remarks virtually.

Presenting the achievements, the union has attained, Ag. Chapter Secretary, UASU MMUST- Dr. Humphrey Agevi pointed out that the union has negotiated with management the 2017-2021 Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) and University Management has demonstrated goodwill by agreeing to enhance a number of allowances in the 2017-2021 CBA that is awaiting endorsement by the Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC).

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Ag. Chapter Secretary, UASU MMUST- Dr. Humphrey Agevi speaks during the AGM.

“The union greatly appreciates the Management for internal promotions to our members. This year, thirty-five (35) members were invited for interviews for Senior Lecturers Grade XIII and we have requested management to fast-track and communicate the verdict from the exercise promptly. The Management has also made an advertisement for the position of lecturer Grade XII and we appeal to our members who merit and have met the requirements for the position to submit their applications. We pledge to continue working closely with the Management to improve your welfare,” stated Dr. Agevi.

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A section of members of the UASU MMUST Chapter following presentations during the AGM.

The other Chapter officials present at the AGM were; Dr. Philip Amuyunzu (Organizing Secretary), Dr. Angeline Savala (Treasurer), Dr. Reuben Rutto (Assistant Treasurer), Committee Members; Dr. Joyce Kasili, Mr. Moses Adama (Trustee), Dr. Fred Lisouza (Trustee), Prof. Kubasu Kwashe (Trustee) and Delegates; Dr. Christine Akinyi, and Dr. Ababu Musera.

AGM is one of the most important calendar events that provides transparency, promotes public participation as well and brings leaders to accountability. This exercise was therefore of utmost importance for members to give insights that will enhance their welfare and advance the institution’s performance. 

By Linet Owuor

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