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School of Education Soars to New Heights as It Conducts a One-Day Workshop Set to Transform the Erasmus Plus Proposal into a Winning Gem!

SEDU team together with the external consultants during the workshop.


MMUST’s School of Education (SEDU) continues to soar to new heights as it conducted a one-day workshop set to transform its Erasmus Plus proposal that sought to fund staff development in higher education. The workshop held on the 18th November 2023 at Royal Swiss Hotel Kisumu, brought together a pool of SEDU's finest minds and distinguished external consultants including, Prof. Pavo Lappenen and Suzzan Lappannen from the University of Jyvaskyla, Finland, together with two esteemed Professors from Canada affiliated with the Caribbean Centre for Child Neurodevelopment. The workshop aimed to review and transform the existing proposal into a winning gem that stands out in the competitive landscape of international research funding.  

While at it, the workshop resulted in significant resolutions, including the establishment of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Caribbean Centre for Child Neurodevelopment. The team also resolved to enhance its faculty member’s skills in cognitive neuroscience. This will be achieved through the launch of a Cognitive Neuroscience Masters program that will focus on learning difficulties and be delivered through a blended mode of training.

05 dec 2023

A section of participants after the workshop.

The MMUST team, consisting of key personalities including the Chair of the Department of Educational Psychology and Co-Principal Investigator, Dr. Edward Khasakhala; the Director of the Webuye Centre, Prof. Peter Odera; Associate Dean of SEDU, Prof. Kennedy Bota; faculty members - Dr. Bill Ouda, Dr. Joel Ogutu, Dr. Manson Sichari, Dr. Eunice Majanga, Dr. Fredrick Matofali, and Ms. Josephine Nyamwange, collaboratively worked to address the identified shortcomings and strategized for a successful resubmission.

SEDU’s commitment to continuous improvement and international collaboration shines through this strategic workshop, setting the stage for a promising Erasmus Plus proposal in the coming year.

By Caren Nekesa

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