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MMUST-NACADA Joint Effort to End Alcohol and Drug Abuse in Kenyan Universities Heightens as the Two Discuss Signing MOU

MMUST-NACADA teams at the office of the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Planning, Research and Innovation).

The joint effort by Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology, and the National Agency for the Campaign Against Drug Abuse (NACADA), to combat alcohol and substance use among University students and staff in Kenya has intensified as the two institutions discussed setting up a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). Today, 13th December, 2023, the University hosted officials from NACADA to discuss this issue, as well as the just concluded joint research project on the ‘Status of Drugs and Substance Use Among University Students in Kenya’. The team was received by the Director of Research and Postgraduate Support-Prof. Francis Orata, along with MMUST’s Alcohol and Drug Abuse Committee Chairperson-Dr. Dennis Omayio and the Director of International Relations and Academic Linkages-Dr. Umulkher Ali.

Speaking during the meeting, Prof. Orata commended the MMUST and NACADA teams for conducting a successful research project, adding that with an MoU in place, these two institutions will certainly tackle the menace of alcohol and drug abuse in Kenyan Universities. “I would like to appreciate the research assistants who took part in the project, led by Dr. Omayio, and the entire office of the Dean of Students for a job well done,” said Prof. Orata.

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 Dr. Dennis Omayio gives his remarks during the MMUST-NACADA meeting on establishing an MoU.

“As a University, we are committed to suppressing the issue of drug abuse and I am happy that NACADA chose us for this exercise. Drug abuse is still rampant in institutions of higher learning, which is why there is a need to develop student and employee assistance programmes to help those who are already affected,” stated Dr. Omayio.

In her remarks, Dr. Ali reiterated that MMUST and NACADA should form a long-term partnership, saying that drug abuse is increasingly widespread especially among students. She added, “we need to bring on board more partners, and capacity-build University officers, who deal directly with students, to enable them handle alcohol and drug abuse cases.”

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NACADA’s Mr. Morris Kamenderi gives his remarks during the meeting. Next to him is Ms. Clara Soo.

Research Officer at NACADA-Mr. Morris Kamenderi, pointed out that MMUST has been a good partner and that he looked forward to collaborating with the University on more projects, particularly on matters of research. Mr. Kamenderi, who re-emphasized on signing an MoU as soon as possible, was accompanied by the Program Officer, Department of Research and Policy at NACADA-Ms. Clara Soo.

Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology, in conjunction with the National Agency for the Campaign Against Drug Abuse, has undoubtedly been at the forefront of fighting alcohol and substance abuse in Kenyan Universities. The call to formalize the longstanding relationship between the two institutions through a Memorandum of Understanding is indeed a sign of many great things to come!

By Wangari Wambugu 

Photos by  Linet Owuor 

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