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NTSA Empowers MMUST Policymakers: Integrating Road Safety into Programs for a Safer Tomorrow

The workshop participants.

The National Transport and Safety Authority (NTSA) has sensitized MMUST policymakers on the integration of road safety issues in its programs and policies. This training was aimed at equipping the University Management Board and the Road Safety Committee members with skills and knowledge to embrace road safety and work towards the reduction of traffic crashes. It took place from 13 to 14 December 2023 at the Kisumu Hotel. Road safety is a shared responsibility that requires a well-orchestrated and sustained contribution from policymakers in different sectors.

Speaking during the training, the Vice Chancellor Prof. Solomon Shibairo pointed out that the University is committed to developing projects and executing activities that constitute the prevention and management of road traffic injuries and fatalities in Kenya.

“As we continue to implement established road safety strategies, we know that additional strategies will be needed to reach the goal of zero fatalities. This partnership will play a key role in developing innovative safety strategies,” stated Prof. Shibairo.

Echoing the Vice Chancellor, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Administration and Finance), Prof. John Kuria Thuo noted that the University has set guidelines on promoting sanity and safety on roads, preventing and managing road crashes and fatalities within the institution.

“The University takes cognizance of Road Safety Mainstreaming therefore we have put in place guidelines on how students and staff promote road safety within and outside the University,” stated Prof. Thuo.

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The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Administration & Finance), Prof. John Kuria Thuo making remarks at the event.

Notably, the Deputy Vice Chancellors (Academic and Student Affairs)- Prof. Hussein Golicha, and (Planning, Research, and Innovation) represented by Prof. Elizabeth Omukunda were also in attendance.

The Registrar (Administration and Finance)- Dr. Eglay Tsuma noted that there is a big disconnect between policy and practice. She challenged NTSA to uphold safety standards and enforcement of traffic rules to curb unsafe road behaviors which often result in fatalities and serious injuries to victims of road accidents.

One of the facilitators from NTSA, Mr. Kelvin Ngovo (Road Safety Officer/MMUST Road Safety Mainstreaming Evaluator) urged the managers to ensure vehicle management which is a critical component in the University Transport Department, adding that this will minimize the risks associated with vehicle investment and promotes compliance to government legislation.  

Further, he encouraged the Road Safety Committee to put in place mechanisms to assess the extent to which the road safety objectives are realized within the University.

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Mr. Kelvin Ngovo (Road Safety Officer/MMUST Road Safety Mainstreaming Evaluator) making a presentation at the event.

“The University plays a pivotal role in educating students, developing future leaders, and conducting research and analyzing data. NTSA is pleased to partner with MMUST to implement and propagate the Road Safety Action Agenda,” stated Mr. Ngovo.

Similarly, his counterpart, Mr. Venance Kiplagat reiterated that the training is to highlight the highest priority actionable opportunities to save lives. 

As a way to implement the Road Safety Policy, the University is in the process of rolling out internationally accredited advanced driving courses.


The chairperson Road Safety Committee- Dr. Julius Mabia (right) and Mr. Venance Kiplagat (NTSA) during the training. 

Partnerships between Universities and NTSA are critical in moving toward a world with fewer roadway fatalities. The implementation of such systematic and proactive approaches to traffic safety will certainly help in reducing fatalities. 

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By Linet Owuor


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