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Ikolomani Community Embraces University Project to Avert Childcare Crisis and Advance Women’s Economic Power

A section of the Naliava community members present during the launch of the childcare center.

The residents of Ikolomani, Kakamega County have adopted the University’s project to avert childcare crisis and advance women’s economic power in their community. It is a sigh of relief to women who are in farm and mine labor in the Naliava community since they now have a safe and secure space for their children as they go out to fend for their families. This is courtesy of the University’s project dubbed ‘IHELP’ that has immensely transformed children's upbringing and improved women's productivity.

The community members noted that it is a delicate balance for women with children under four to navigate through earning a daily wage and taking care of their children. “Our ability is limited and we have not been able to thrive in the workforce. Most of us have to carry our children to the farms and gold mine sites where we go daily to earn a living. We have witnessed how this project has transformed livelihoods in our neighborhoods and we are happy to have our center today,” said one of the community members.

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Principal Investigator Dr. Rose Opiyo addressing participants at the event.

The launch of the Naliava IHELP center was also graced by the project’s Principal Investigator Dr. Rose Opiyo who expressed delight to the ownership of the initiative by the community. She assured them that she would train them in responsive caregiving, nutrition, child safety, and income-generating activities.

The centers are linked to the nearest primary schools to monitor the progress of the children compared to the rest. The event was attended by two head teachers from the neighboring schools where children are enrolled for their primary education. They stated that the centers have boosted the enrollment of children in ECDE education in the region.

The event was also attended by the area Sub-Chief Ms. Wilfrida Amutwayi thanked the University for empowering women and the community at large through the IHELP project, adding that more of such centers should be established to ensure safety of children in society. 

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The Naliava Sub-Chief- Ms. Wilfrida Amutwayi making remarks at the event.

This is one of the leading University projects that is community-owned and has been backed up as a promising community-led innovation project. Strengthening childcare models that advance women's economic power is particularly important in this era of rapid urbanization. The role of a stimulating environment for children has increasingly been emphasized. IHELP centers provide opportunities for learning and play, good feeding, and access to healthcare that nurtures and optimizes children's development.

By Linet Owuor

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