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The Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Welcomes New Leadership as the Former Chair Ascends to Associate Dean Role

From left; Dean- SEBE Prof. Bernadette Sabuni, Associate Dean- Dr. Peter Cherop and the incoming COD- Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering.

Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology’s (MMUST) Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering inaugurated a new era of leadership on Monday, 15 January, 2024. Dr. Peter Cherop, the former Chairperson, gracefully assumed the role of Associate Dean, paving the way for Dr. Emmanuel Osore, a distinguished Graduate Engineer and Lecturer within the department, to step into the helm. The noteworthy event, hosted within the department’s premises, garnered the presence of esteemed faculty members, including the Dean- School of Engineering and Built Environment, Prof. Eng. Bernadette Sabuni, who witnessed this significant milestone.

Congratulating the new appointees, Prof. Eng. Bernadette Sabuni, expressed her enthusiasm for the enhanced strength and expertise the two bring to the academic fold. She underscored their dedication to academic excellence which has undoubtedly contributed to the continued growth and success of the School and MMUST as an institution. 

The outgoing Chairperson, Dr. Peter Cherop, an esteemed figure in the field of engineering and academia at MMUST, conveyed his heartfelt appreciation for the shared accomplishments and progress achieved during his tenure. Underlining the synergistic endeavors within the department, Dr. Cherop shared the challenges surmounted and victories commemorated throughout his four-and-a-half-year journey as Chairperson of the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering. 

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Faculty members present during the hand-over ceremony.

Further, he urged the incoming Chairperson, Dr. Emmanuel Osore to build upon the foundation laid, emphasizing the importance of sustained collaboration and innovation. “It has been a very good experience and I am happy that during my tenure, we have been able to transform several activities in our department.  As I hand over to Dr. Osore, I encourage you to not only maintain the standards that we have set but to strive for even greater heights. The challenges we faced were met with determination, and the victories were a result of our collective dedication. I have full confidence in Dr. Osore’s ability to lead this Department to new horizons, and I implore him to continue fostering a spirit of teamwork and academic excellence. Together, let us advance the legacy of this esteemed institution,” said Dr. Cherop.

Concluding his address, he highlighted several accomplishments achieved during his tenure. These notable milestones include a significant increase in postgraduate student admissions; the timely release of student results; the acquisition of cutting-edge equipment to enhance practical training; a substantial elevation in the research culture within the Department; and the innovative design and fabrication of a ‘sunny booth’ during the COVID-19 period, aimed at eliminating contaminants in a specific setup. Confident of what awaits him in his new role as the Associate Dean, Dr. Cherop expressed his commitment to collaborating with colleagues at the school level to further elevate research activities. Additionally, he pledged to actively facilitate the establishment of collaborations between the School and like-minded institutions of higher learning, both locally and internationally.

In his first speech as the Chairperson of the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Dr. Osore presented a compelling vision for the future of the department. Pledging to uphold and advance the department’s esteemed legacy, he emphasized a strong dedication to research and innovation. Dr. Osore also underscored his commitment to fostering academic excellence and implementing the curriculum which is dynamic and able to meet the demands of the ever-evolving engineering landscape.

Other notable personalities present during the hand-over ceremony were the CoD for Electrical and Communication Engineering, Dr. James Owuor; CoD - of Civil and Structural Engineering, Dr. Micah Mukolwe; Dr. Raymond Wekesa; Prof. Alexander Khaemba, Dr. Philbert Ombongi, Dr. Cedric Okinda; Mr. Paul Rotich, Principal Technician- Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Mr.  Evans Nandasaba; and Mr. Wilberforce Otini. 

By Caren Nekesa

Photos by Shiundu Masafu 

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