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Mother Planet Technologies CEO Visits MMUST to Discuss Collaboration on Modern Flushing Pit Latrine Project!

MMUST staff during the courtesy call with CEO-Mother Planet Technologies, Mr. Harun Opanda, at the Directorate of International Relations and Academic Linkages (DIAL).


On 30th January, 2024, MMUST hosted the Chief Executive Officer of Mother Planet Technologies-Mr. Harun Opanda, to discuss possible areas of collaboration, including a partnership on the ‘Modern Flushing Pit Latrine’ project. Mr. Opanda was received by the Director of International Relations and Academic Linkages (DIAL)-Dr. Umulkher Ali, together with the Director, Science Park Innovation and Incubation Center (SPIIC)- Prof. John Muoma, Coordinator, Extension Services and Community Outreach-Dr. Issah Kweyu and a Principal Medical Laboratory Technologist at MMUST-Mr. James Wakungwi Sakwa.

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Mr. Harun Opanda gives his remarks during the courtesy call at DIAL.

The Mother Planet Technologies CEO, whose modern flushing pit latrine innovation is a solution to water wastage in Kenya, has worked on this project since 2011. He carried out his pilot project at Ingotse High School and has since constructed several modern flushing pit latrines in a number of schools across the country.

This innovation has definitely transformed the community, and there is no doubt that with a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in place, the two (2) institutions will have a bigger impact on the community.

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MMUST team with Mr. Opanda at DIAL.

By Dr. Lydia Anyonje 

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