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Climate Mobility Africa Research Network (CMARN) Conducts Stakeholder Meeting to Outline the Achievements of the Project

Participants of the CMARN stakeholder meeting at Kisumu Hotel.

Climate Mobility Africa Research Network (CMARN) project led by the Principal Investigator of the project Dr. Nicodemus Nyandiko held a stakeholder meeting to sensitize the University Management on the achievements of CMARN in the last two years. The meeting took place on 7 February 2024 at the Kisumu Hotel. MMUST is Co-chairing the network together with the University of Venda.

The key objectives of CMARN include, to promote and facilitate independent research on law and policy responses to climate mobility in Africa; to foster collaboration between researchers and policy experts to support evidence-based law and policy development and implementation; and to develop the capacity of researchers in and from Africa on these issues, including early career researchers.


Vice Chancellor Prof. Solomon Shibairo addressing the researchers during the meeting.

The event was graced by the Vice Chancellor Prof. Solomon Shibairo. He was also accompanied by the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Planning, Research and Innovation) Prof. Charles Mutai. The Vice Chancellor was impressed with the researchers and encouraged them to come up with a series of online publications on climate mobility that inform law and policy development.

The Finance Officer- Mr. Jared Rading’ advised the researchers to consider incorporating finance personnel at an early stage of the project in order to swiftly navigate through the accounting and audit processes.

As a key player in this network, MMUST has contributed by hosting the launch of the network, and hosting of the research funds. MMUST is also the host of the network’s Administrator, Dr. Rose Auma (Dean of the School of Arts and Social Sciences).  The implementation of the CMARN project is supported by the School of Disaster Management and Humanitarian Assistance (SDMHA) headed by the Dean, Dr. Ferdinand Nabiswa. The other members of CMARN present at the meeting included the Associate Dean- SDMHA, Prof. Stanley Omuterema, Mr. Dennis Otwori, Mr. Leonard Nyongesa and Ms. Winnie Chebii (Project’s Grants Accountant).


Participants at the stakeholder meeting.

Some of the key activities the network has engaged in are conducting regular (bi-monthly) webinars and meetings for CMARN Members; Establishment of Climate Mobility Africa Insights publication series and the launch of Climate Mobility Africa Insights – Africa’s first dedicated online publication series on climate mobility which was done in August 2023.

This network champions for a holistic approach to climate change that includes indigenous knowledge and perspectives to address climate mobility, taking into account the interaction between climate change, conflict, poverty, livelihoods and food security as drivers of human mobility.

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By Linet Owuor

Photos by Shiundu Masafu

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