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Department of Optometry and Vision Sciences Conducts First-Ever Low Vision Outreach in an Effort to Tackle Visual Impairment in Western Kenya

MMUST team, Prof. Jörgen Gustafsson, Norwegian Optometry students and Mitoto Salvation Army School for the Visually Impaired staff and students during the outreach activity.


Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology’s Department of Optometry and Vision Sciences has stepped up its efforts towards addressing the issue of Visual Impairment in Western-Kenya, as it conducted its first-ever exclusive Low Vision (LV) outreach on Thursday, 15th February, 2024. The outreach, which took place at Mitoto Salvation Army School for the Visually Impaired in Trans Nzoia County (Kiminini Sub County), was spearheaded by Prof. Jörgen Gustafsson of the University of South-Eastern Norway (USN), along with Ms. Monica Mwangi, an LV specialist at the Department.

The team involved in the outreach programme comprised University staff in the Department of Optometry and Vision Sciences, as well as MMUST and Norwegian Optometry students. Speaking during the event, Prof. Gustafsson stated that he was delighted to perform LV examinations for the Mitoto School children, and to issue assistive devices to them. “The hospitality in this school was great. I look forward to coming back here and serving even more children,” he said.


Prof. Jörgen Gustafsson helps a student wear glasses after an eye screening session. Looking on is Ms. Monica Mwangi and MMUST 5th-year Optometry students.

“As a Department, this activity is a very big milestone, seeing that we are committed towards addressing visual impairment not only in Western, but also the entire country. This was a great opportunity for our students to encounter LV cases, which is good for them as they prepare for the industry,” stated Ms. Mwangi. The LV specialist revealed that the team was able to give out about thirty (30) LV devices during the outreach. She added, “we have dispensed filters, magnifiers and telescopes. LV devices are more expensive to acquire compared to other correctional devices, hence I would like to thank Vision for All for donating the equipment.”

According to Mr. Andrew Wekesa, in charge of community outreach at the Department, they are required to visit at least one visually impaired institution per year, so that they can not only make an impact on the society, but also ensure that students gain real-world experiences. “Today, we have been able to attend to more than 80 visually impaired children across all the Grades, and nearly all of them have benefitted from the donated assistive devices,” pointed out Mr. Wekesa.


Mr. Andrew Wekesa during an eye screening session with one of the students at Mitoto Salvation Army School for the Visually Impaired in Trans Nzoia County.

“This outreach has been a wonderful experience for us, as we have been able to reach out to the grassroots and understand what Low Vision learners go through in the school environment. It is very rewarding to see how much their vision has improved with use of the LV assistive devices that we have distributed today,” said Ms. Doreen Ashioya an LV specialist at the Department. She reiterated that the Optometry students were able to experience hands-on learning from the outreach, saying that it is crucial to prepare them for the job market. “We look forward to more of these activities, and receiving more donations in order to reach out to more patients,” she added.

While officially welcoming the team to the school, the Deputy Head Teacher-Mr. John Edambo, expressed his gratitude to MMUST for choosing Mitoto for the outreach programme. “Your visit is a great blessing to us as a school. We are always happy to receive professionals like you, who are willing to provide free medical help to our children,” stated Mr. Edambo. Further, he revealed that the school, which is sponsored by the Salvation Army Church, is home to students with Albinism, Low Vision, as well as those who are totally blind.


Mitoto Salvation Army School for the Visually Impaired Deputy Head Teacher, Mr. John Edambo, gives his remarks during the LV outreach.

In her remarks, the school Chaplain-Major Grace Mutali, stated that she was grateful for the work that the team did to the children, adding that the act transformed their lives. “Let this be the beginning of greater things to come. You are free to come back any time you wish,” said Major Mutali.

The MMUST Department of Optometry and Vision Sciences has been at the forefront of addressing Visual Impairment in the community, by conducting regular outreach activities, where it has offered free eye screening services to the public. The first-ever Low Vision outreach to Mitoto Salvation Army School for the Visually Impaired is certainly a great move towards tackling VI, therefore improving the day-to-day lives of those affected.

By Wangari Wambugu

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