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MMUST’s SDMHA Delegates Pay Courtesy Call to National Defence University-Kenya to Discuss Possible Areas of Collaboration!!

MMUST and NDU-K teams after the courtesy call.

On Monday-19th February, 2024, delegates from Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology’s School of Disaster Management and Humanitarian Assistance (SDMHA) paid a courtesy call to the National Defence University-Kenya (NDU-K) to discuss possible areas of collaboration.  The delegation, which was led by the Dean-SDMHA, Dr. Ferdinand Nabiswa, was officially received by the Vice Chancellor of NDU-K, Maj. Gen. Said M. Farah. It comprised Prof. Pontian Okoth, Dr. Nicholas Ombachi, Dr. Edward Mugalavai and Rev. Dr. Elijah Onyango.

The two (2) institutions discussed potential partnership in research, training and capacity building, curriculum validation and review, exchange/mentorship of staff, seminars and workshops, as well as joint publications. It is worth noting that these areas of collaboration have been detailed in the proposed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), between MMUST and NDU-K, set to be signed soon.


Dr. Ferdinand Nabiswa (left) with Prof. Pontian Okoth during the courtesy call to NDU-K, Nakuru.

Notable NDU-K members present during the meeting were the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research, Innovation and Strategic Studies)-Maj. Gen. William K. K. Shume, Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic and Student Affairs)- Prof Anne Muigai, Deputy Vice Chancellor (Finance and Administration)- Maj. Gen. (Rtd) P. A. Amogola, Director of Corporate Communications-Col. Paul Njuguna Muiri and the Exams Officer- Lt. Col. (Dr) E. P. Kondoltiony.

Dr. Ferdinand Nabiswa says that he looks forward to formalizing the partnership by signing an MoU, and thanks the University Management, led by the Vice Chancellor-Prof. Solomon Shibairo, for approving the visit as well as for its continued support towards SDMHA.

Attached, please find more photos of the event.





By Wangari Wambugu

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