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MMUST International Students Receive Donation of Laptops From Mercy Beyond Borders to Support Their Academic Journey at the University

MMUST-Mercy Beyond Borders officials with students who received the laptop donation.

Fifteen (15) international students from Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology have each received a Dell laptop, donated by Mercy Beyond Borders (MBB), a nonprofit organization that empowers women and girls in extreme poverty through education and connection. The laptops were handed over on 22 February, 2024, by MBB’s East African Director-Ms. Noella Nakabuye, and officially received by the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic and Student Affairs)-Prof. Hussein Golicha.

“As a University, we appreciate the support that Mercy Beyond Borders gives to our students. These donations could not have come at a better time as we are in the digital era, and there is no doubt that the computers will enhance their academic journey in this University,” stated Prof. Hussein Golicha. He added that his Division will ensure that the students perform well academically, so that they can continue to benefit from MBB’s leadership scholarship program.


Prof. Hussein Golicha and Ms. Noella Nakabuye hand over a Dell laptop to a student. Looking on is Prof. Charles Mutai and Dr. Umulkher Ali.

The Deputy Vice Chancellor (Planning, Research and Innovation)-Prof. Charles Mutai, who was also present during the handing over, pointed out that the MBB scholarship program is a great opportunity for students to access quality education and thereafter transform their respective communities. “I would like to urge you to make the most out of this once in a lifetime opportunity and make an impact on your communities,” said Prof. Mutai.

The Director of International Relations and Academic Linkages (DIAL), Dr. Umulkher Ali, reiterated that the University is grateful for the support that MBB has offered to the students over the years. “It is a great honour to host MBB delegates today and we look forward to more collaborations,” she said.


MMUST international students celebrate after receiving laptops from Mercy Beyond Borders.

“Mercy Beyond Borders supports girls from Form one up to the University level. We not only track their academic performance, but also conduct monthly leadership training for them,” revealed Ms. Nakabuye. She further stated that after the completion of University studies, the girls are then enrolled into the MBB alumni network in order to give back to the community. Ms. Nakabuye was accompanied by Mr. Brian Tumwijukye, who is in charge of logistics at MBB-East Africa.

The laptops donated by Mercy Beyond Borders will without doubt enhance the students’ academic journey at Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology. As an institution that envisions to be the leading University in science, technology and innovation, such donations play a very crucial role in enabling MMUST to reach greater heights.

By Wangari Wambugu 

Photos by Shiundu Masafu 

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