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Virtual Assistance Training Module Training by Ajira Digital Program

Trainees of the Ajira Digital Club after a two-day training on virtual assistance module

MMUST students through the MMUST Ajira Digital Club had a two-day training on Virtual Assistance Module which is offered by the Ajira Digital Program. The two-day training took place at the Main Catering Unit upstairs on 21st & 22nd February 2024.

Virtual Assistance training, which is one of the online work categories offered by the Ajira Digital Program aims at equipping trainees with skills in offering various remote services to entrepreneurs or businesses, ranging from digital marketing services to scheduling appointments and managing events to personal errands. Trainees were also taken through signing up for online work platforms where signing up on the Upwork platform was hugely emphasized because of its reliability in offering remote jobs.


Ajira Digital Club trainees undergoing training on virtual assistance module

Some of the areas that trainees were taken through include Social Media Management, Diary Management, Event Management, Customer Service, digital marketing skills and professional profile creation among other key subject areas that were covered during the two-day training.

Ajira Digital Program is an initiative of the Government of Kenya under the Ministry of ICT and Digital Economy with the aim of enhancing youth employment in Kenya through tapping into online jobs.

The training was organized by the Office of the Dean of Students and coordinated by the club’s patron Eng. Dr. Samuel Waweru. The training was undertaken by Mr. Collins Ojiwa from eMobilis Technology Training Institute which is the implementing partner of the Ajira Digital Program.  Trainees were encouraged to take seriously membership at Ajira Digital Club so that they can tap into the resources and opportunities offered through the club. 

By Shiundu Masafu

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