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Commercialization of MMUST Innovation Takes Centre Stage During a Two-Day Workshop

Participants of the commercialization workshop after the two day workshop

Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology, through the Directorate of Science Park Innovation and Incubation Centre, organized a two-day training workshop and sensitization workshop for staff and students who have contributed in the development of 39 Intellectual Properties which are currently owned and filed on behalf of MMUST staff and students. The training took place on 19 and 20 Feb 2024, at the Main Catering Unit, main campus. This is aimed at strengthening and maintaining MMUST as one of the leading innovation destination.

The workshop was officially opened by Prof. Alice Chesambu who was one of the innovators and Co-Innovator of MMUST IP mapera wine which is in the process of being one of the University startups. The other innovation which was of great interest was an agriculture based technology where one of our adjunct lecturers Dr. Clabe Wekesa and a team from MMUST is seeking to commercialize a bio-phosphate solubilizing bacteria, a collaborative project between Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology and the prestigious Max Plank Institute of Chemical Ecology, Beutenberg Campus in Jena, Germany.


Prof. John Muoma addressing commercialization workshop participant during the workshop

This workshop was facilitated by Mr. Fred Otswongo from Fred Otswong'o & Intellectual Property Associates Limited (FOIPAL), who appreciated the strong network the Directorate of Science Park Innovation and Incubation Centre has established over time and the rapid increase in the number of prototypes by members of staff and students. He encouraged MMUST to continue with the trend and acquire certificates for all the Intellectual Properties (IPs) it currently has. This will place the University at the second position in terms of number of IPs by the end of 2024 according to Kenya Industrial Property Institute (KIPI) statistics. This will also be a great achievement for the university which identifies innovation as one of its major pillars.

Mr. Otswongo noted that with the current need of commercialization as a requirement in all university Performance Contract PCs with Kenya Government, there is need for the University to invest in developing startup companies. These companies will enable us develop products or services from our IPs or their spin off which the institution can enable our university generate some income. Mr. Otswongo also noted that for the University to be able to move its products to a commercialization platform, it needs to at least develop three startups every year.


A section of participants following proceedings during the commercialization workshop

By Shiundu Masafu

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