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The School of Education (SEDU) Evaluates Its Teacher Education Programs to Optimize Student Learning Experiences

The workshop participants.

The School of Education (SEDU), held a workshop to evaluate its academic programs to optimize student learning experiences. The two-day workshop was held from 27 to 28 February 2024 and was steered by the Dean, of the School of Education . The Workshop was themed encompassed presentations aimed at fostering pedagogy, improving educational assessment plans, and assuring the quality and integrity of the University’s academic programs.

This workshop was graced by the Vice Chancellor Prof. Solomon Shibairo who pointed out that this is an important exercise that will help in catalyzing curricular changes that maximize on teacher education curriculum. This supports and contributes to student learning experiences and how they can be enhanced.

Similarly, Prof. Poipoi noted that the journey to review the curriculum began in 2021 by aligning with the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC). “We have infused the following courses in Teacher Education Programmes; life skills, Competence-Based Curriculum, performance management, Kenya Sign Language, and entrepreneurship,” he stated.


  The Dean of the School of Education Prof. Moses Poipoi.   

The Associate Dean- SEDU, Prof. Kennedy Bota as we address the key competencies of a 21st-century learner, we need to bring out the critical attributes of a 21st-century teacher. He emphasized that it is important for students who are undertaking teacher training to have a deeper understanding of what CBC entails since they are going to be the ones to implement the curriculum.

Some of the key areas the workshop focused on included; infusing 21st Century skills in the curriculum, developing learning outcomes, infusing community service learning and pertinent contemporary issues, and enforcing the assessment model. A lively discussion on needs assessment ensued during the departmental breakaway sessions.

Presenting on the ‘Guidelines for Review of Curriculum for University,’ one of the facilitators, Prof. Judah Ndiku who is also the Director of Curriculum Review and Development noted that there is a need to address the 21st Century Skills and build on the Basic Education Curriculum Framework (BCEF) competencies.


The Director of Curriculum Review and Development- Prof. Judah Ndiku making a presentation at the workshop.

“Teacher Education Curriculum translates industry practice into content. Therefore, there is a need to inscribe these in the Teacher Education Curriculum,”

Commenting on integrating the Service Learning approach, Prof. Lt. Col. (rtd) John Okoth underscored the importance of adopting this method of teaching saying that it is an experiential way of learning where students apply academic knowledge and critical thinking skills to address genuine community needs.

“Service learning enhances higher education learning by extending student experience beyond the classroom and into the business arena. This assists students in developing lifelong career and professional skills,” reiterated Prof. Okoth.  


A section of the participants following presentations at the workshop. 

This is a very important exercise that helps in identifying areas in which Universities need improvement to enhance professional development.


By Linet Owuor

Photos by Shiundu Masafu

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