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SOM and SASS Elections Come to an End as Dr. Anthony Sifuna and Dr. Rose Auma Are Declared Deans-Elect

School of Medicine Contestants’ agents inspect the ballot box before vote counting.

Dr. Anthony Sifuna and Dr. Rose Auma have been declared Deans-elect in the School of Medicine (SOM), and School of Arts and Social Sciences (SASS) respectively. The elections, which took place on Friday, 1 March, 2024, saw Dr. Sifuna garner eight (8) votes out of the fourteen (14) that were cast, while Dr. Auma was elected unopposed. The results were officially declared by the Returning Officer, Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic and Student Affairs), Prof. Hussein Golicha.

“This electoral process has run for a period of one (1) month and I am happy that the exercise, which was conducted by a team that underwent an intensive training by the IEBC, went smoothly,” pointed out the Returning Officer-Prof. Golicha. Further, he appreciated the Deans Election Board chaired by Prof. Edwin Wamukoya, for delivering a successful election.


The Chairperson Deans Electoral Board, Prof. Edwin Wamukoya, during the elections.

In his remarks, Prof. Wamukoya stated that the election process had been adhered to and that he was confident the elections were free and fair. “I would like to thank the candidates, as well as staff from both Schools for maintaining peace during this election. I extend my gratitude to the Electoral Board and the entire election team for the excellent work that made this process a success,” he added. Notably, the Members of the Deans’ Electoral Board comprised Prof. Judah Ndiku, Dr. Teresa Okoth, Dr. Peter Cherop, Dr. Roselyne Abwalaba and Mr. Zablon Obengo.

“SOM, as the youngest School in MMUST, needs a lot of support especially from the Management for it to attain greater heights. During my tenure, I hope to address issues affecting the School of Medicine including the lack of office space within the hospital premises,” stated SOM’s Dean-elect, Dr. Anthony Sifuna. He thanked the participants who had shown up to support him as well as other contestants, adding that they should put the elections behind them and focus on working together for the good of the University.


SOM Dean-elect, Dr. Anthony Sifuna (right), receives a certificate of Deans’ Election from Prof. Hussein Golicha.

SASS Dean-elect, Dr. Rose Auma, expressed gratitude to staff in her School for believing in her and subsequently emphasized the importance of teamwork, openness, as well as championing student-centered activities. “The School of Arts and Social Sciences has not had a substantive Dean for a very long time. I am glad that we now have a Dean-elect in the School and I pledge to work tirelessly to make SASS a centre of excellence,” stated Dr. Auma.

The elections, which were organized by the Division of Academic and Student Affairs in conjunction with the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC), Lurambi Constituency, were indeed a success. We wish Dr. Anthony Sifuna and Dr. Rose Auma all the best as they steer their respective Schools to greatness!


Dr. Rose Auma gives a speech after being declared SASS Dean-elect.

By Wangari Wambugu

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