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Schools Set to Benefit from Affordable Websites Through MMUST-KoTDA Partnership

MMUST-KONZA Delegations discussing the project at Konza Complex

The Institutional Project by Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology dubbed ‘Enhancing Webometrics Ranking through Community Outreach Service Based MMUST-Webometrics Initiative for Schools, Community-Based Organizations, Non-Governmental Organizations, and Open–Air Markets in the Lake Region Economic Bloc’, has been considered by the Konza Technopolis Development Authority (KoTDA) through the provision of hosting space for school websites. This was after extensive deliberations during a meeting that took place on Friday 1st March 2024 at Konza Complex in Machakos County.

The Deputy Vice Chancellor for Planning, Research, and Innovation, Prof. Charles Mutai, said that the provision of affordable websites to schools is part of the University’s community outreach mandate and the Kenyan Government's Digitalization Agenda.


DVC(PRI) Prof. Charles Mutai giving his remarks during the deliberations with KoTDA

“We believe that through this collaboration, we will be able to provide websites to schools who have expressed interest in working with MMUST. This being part of the Kenyan Government’s Digitalization Agenda, we can roll out the pilot phase of this project in the Western Region and then extend to other parts of the Country,” said Prof.Mutai.

The Registrar, of Planning, Research and Innovation, Dr. Collins Matemba emphasized the viability and sustainability of the project through efforts by both partners.

The Principal Investigator, Dr.Dennis Ochieno explained that the institutional project is part of the outreach activities anchored on the Webometrics Policy 2022. According to Dr. Ochieno, the Webometrics Policy has helped the University to improve in ranking.

“This is a promising project that can attract other partners through the Society of Webmasters and Online Marketers domiciled in MMUST, which is meant to ensure cyber ethics and cyber security,’ said Dr. Ochieno.


From right; Dr. Dennis Ochieno- Principal Investigator, Prof. Alala –Director ACGMU and Mr. Hesbon Amwayi-Co-Investigator gazing at the Konza Technopolis model

Dr.Ochieno appreciated the team from KoTDA for giving the project a nod through their commitment to offer hosting space for the websites.

The Director of Career Services, Prof. Robert Egessa said that MMUST has a network through School Placements and Alumni Association which can greatly improve its visibility. He added that the project will be onboarding other institutions in the provision of standardized websites for schools.

KoTDA ICT Officer in charge of Business Development, Mr.Richard Musau and Mr. Kelvin Kiprop spearheaded the KoTDA delegation on deliberations of requirements for hosting space and responsibility matrix for the development and hosting of the websites as well as modalities for inclusion of other partners to the project. Mr.Musau acknowledged the approval of the project, adding that there is a need for further deliberations on its sustainability.

MMUST ICT Manager, Mr. Geoffrey Kones said that Konza Technopolis Development Authority (KoTDA) has been a supportive technology partner in related matters such as the provision of data backup services.

“We look forward to partnering in other areas and acquiring more facilities and solutions such as the hosting space for the websites,” he said.


MMUST-KoTDA Delegation Pose for a Photo after successful deliberations at Konza-Nairobi

The MMUST Delegation also comprised Dr. Umulker Ali-Director in charge of partnerships, Prof. Benedict Alala-a finance expert, Ms. Linda Omenya-Legal expert, Mr. Morgan Musiambo-Webmaster, Mr.Hesbon Amwayi-Project Co-Investigator, and website designer, Ms. Sandra Awuor-in charge of web content development, and project support members Ms.Ruth Omega and Ms. Mildred Ingado.

Adoption of the project through this partnership with KoTDA will be a driving force of Kenya’s Digitalization Agenda with MMUST Scaling heights in Community Outreach and Global visibility through the provision of websites to Schools.

Story and Photos by Awuor Sandra Dorcas

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