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Efforts to Prepare MMUST for the Competency-Based Curriculum Transition Heighten as CODs Undergo Two-Day Intensive CBC Training

CBC training participants at Golf Hotel, Kakamega.

 Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology has escalated its efforts towards ensuring a smooth transition into the Competency Based Curriculum (CBC). This was revealed during a two-day intensive CBC training, organized for Chairpersons of Departments (CODs), which ran from 5 to 6 March, 2024 at Golf Hotel, Kakamega. The training, coordinated by the Directorate of Curriculum Review and Development (CReD), was officially opened by the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Solomon Shibairo.

Speaking during the event, Prof. Shibairo noted that this training is timely, saying that the world is shifting to CBC. “As a University, we have to be prepared for the first cohort of CBC students and I am glad that we are conducting this training for our staff. In our efforts to adopt CBC, let us be cognizant that technology has changed and therefore change with it,” stated Prof. Shibairo, adding that CBC was introduced to address societal problems including the issues of unemployment.


From left; Prof. Aggrey Simiyu, Prof. Kennedy Bota and the VC, Prof. Solomon Shibairo follow the discussions keenly.

“The purpose of this training is to mainstream, reinforce and infuse Competency Based learning at MMUST,” said the Director-CReD Prof. Judah Ndiku. In his presentation, he pointed out that there is a need for Universities to develop specific competencies in students, rather than just imparting knowledge. He added that the competencies are designed to equip students with 21st century skills and abilities needed for them to be successful in their future careers. “Institutions of higher learning should train employable graduates. They should design curricula that reflect changes in the industry practice and address the educational needs of the learners,” said Prof. Ndiku.

On the first day of the training, the CODs, who are expected to spearhead further training and curriculum review in their respective Departments, were taken through CBC development and Instruction in higher education, as well as pertinent and contemporary issues in CBC framework. They were also enlightened regarding the salient features of teacher education, curriculum design in competency-based education, and authentic assessment in Competency Based Higher Education.


Dr. Eric Wangila speaks at the training.

Additionally, the participants were trained on community service learning in competency based higher education and mainstreaming value based learning in higher education. Further, they were familiarized with the development and utilization of media resources for instruction in competency based learning; leadership, performance management and resource mobilization for effective curriculum implementation, as well as school health and safety for effective learning.

Such training will undoubtedly see the University transform its mode of teaching and learning to transition to the Competency Based Curriculum. Notably, the MMUST Management Board and the Deans of Schools were the first group to undergo the training and the University intends to ensure that each faculty member undergoes the same.

By Wangari Wambugu

Photos by Shiundu Masafu

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