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MMUST Marks International Women’s Day as It Joins the Rest of the World in Celebrating Inclusion and Empowerment of Women

A section of participants during the International Women’s Day celebrations.

On 8 March 2024, Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (MMUST) marked the International Women’s Day to celebrate the inclusion and empowerment of women. Organized by the Directorate of Aids Control, Gender and Mainstreaming Unit, the event highlighted the ongoing efforts toward gender equality and women’s empowerment. This year’s celebrations themed ‘’ brought together students, staff, and members of the local community to honour the diverse contributions of women across various fields and to shed light on the persistent challenges they face. The event was conducted in collaboration with the Diamond Trust Bank.

Speaking during an interview, the Deputy Vice Chancellor Planning Research and Innovation, Prof. Charles Mutai underscored the significance of global participation in honouring women. “International Women’s Day is a platform for advocating women’s equality in all spheres, championing their rights, reaffirming our commitments, and celebrating their successes worldwide. It prompts us to contemplate the path ahead, the work that remains in our pursuit of gender equality, and how we can collectively harness our energies to embrace and celebrate women,” Prof. Mutai remarked.

Expounding on the event’s theme, Prof. Mutai further highlighted the importance of creating opportunities for gender mainstreaming and fostering a culture of inclusivity that enables women to reach their full potential in academic and leadership spheres. He emphasized the need for collaborative efforts to dismantle barriers and create pathways for women’s advancement within the university and beyond.


Prof. Benedict Alala- Director of the AIDS Control, Gender, and Mainstreaming Unit addressing the audience.

Addressing the audience, Prof. Benedict Alala- Director of the AIDS Control, Gender, and Mainstreaming Unit, underscored the University’s commitment to fostering a conducive environment where both male and female students can thrive within the University. “One of our core mandates is to ensure an environment where individuals of all genders feel supported and empowered to excel at MMUST,” stated Prof. Alala. He reiterated MMUST’s dedication to promoting gender equality, reaffirming the commitment to driving meaningful change in support of women’s empowerment initiatives within the institution.

The Guest Speaker, Ms. Doris Jeptalamu Tuitoek, a lecturer in the School of Nursing Midwifery and Paramedical Science (SONMAPS) delved into the intricate relationship between Gender-Based Violence (GBV) and inclusive practices. She emphasized that GBV is a pervasive issue affecting society at large, noting that students are not exempt from its impacts. Ms. Jeptalamu further stressed on the collective responsibility to raise awareness, promote understanding, and take decisive action against GBV.


The Guest Speaker, Ms. Doris Jeptalamu Tuitoek engaging students in an exercise.

Quoting statistics from the World Health Organization’s 2021 report, Ms. Jeptalamu highlighted the alarming prevalence of physical and sexual violence globally. She noted that in Africa, Intimate Partner Violence is estimated at 41.3%, with Kenya reporting significant rates of physical abuse, particularly in regions like Bungoma, Murang’a, Homabay, Kakamega, and Vihiga. In a dedicated segment, she provided insights into the prevalence of Intimate Partner Violence within tertiary institutions, citing worrying figures from a Kenyan University.

Ms. Jeptalamu outlined the various causes of GBV, including patriarchal norms, entitlement, substance abuse, gender inequality, jealousy, and discrimination. She explained the detrimental effects of GBV, ranging from physical health deterioration to mental health issues, poor academic performance, low self-esteem, and engaging in risky behaviour such as substance abuse and sexual risk-taking.


A section of students at the event.

Commending MMUST for its proactive measures in raising awareness and establishing support mechanisms like counselling services and a dedicated GBV office, Ms. Jeptalamu stressed that true inclusion goes beyond mere presence, advocating for active participation and recognition of women’s contributions.

“When we inspire others to understand and value women’s inclusion, we forge a better world because inclusion is not merely about presence but active participation and recognition. As we commemorate this year’s International Women’s Day, let us have a renewed commitment to foster inclusion and gender equality,” she said, urging everyone to contribute to a world where every woman’s voice is valued and no one is left behind. “I urge you to unite in forging a path towards a more equitable and inclusive society, where the principles of respect, dignity, and empowerment prevail,” she added.


Ms. Vanessa Amikato the Academic Secretary MMUSO and the Speaker, Mr. Cliford Omusula.

Similarly, the Vice Chairperson MMUSO- Ms. Theresia Mutisya captivated the audience with her impassioned remarks. She noted that the International Women’s Day is not only a day to recognize women’s achievements, but also a moment for contemplation on their progress and the challenges that lie ahead. Ms. Mutisya highlighted the day as a celebration of women’s resilience, strength, and determination across all spheres of life, as they continually break barriers and defy expectations.


Mr. Brian Omolo MMUSO leader, Gender and Special Interest, making his remarks. 

Expressing pride in being part of MMUST- an institution that values diversity, inclusivity, and gender parity, Ms. Mutisya stressed the importance of providing equal opportunities for women in leadership, academia, the workforce, and every aspect of society. She acknowledged the ongoing work needed to challenge stereotypes, dismantle barriers, and advocate for policies that promote gender equality. Ms. Mutisya urged the amplification of voices of marginalized women who often suffer in silence, emphasizing that it is an extraordinary privilege to be a woman. “It is superb to be a woman,” she stated.


The secretary AWSE- Dr. Annette Okoth addressing the audience.

Members of the African Women in Science and Engineering (AWSE) were present at the event. The secretary AWSE- Dr. Annette Okoth was representing the Chairperson AWSE, Dr. Seline Ooko. Other notable persons present included the Director Corporate Communications and Marketing- Dr. Lydia AnyonjeDr. Joyce KagendoMr. Victor Dinda (representing the Chairperson Gender Mainstreaming Committee, Dr. Lucy Mandillah), Head of Security- Mr. Benedict Shitera, and the 7th MMUSO leaders Mr. Clifford Omusula, Ms. Vanessa Amikato, Mr. Brian Omollo, Ms. Valentine Obade and Ms. Purity Njambi. 

Story and photos: Caren Nekesa 

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