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President Awards Kenya (PAK) MMUST Chapter Conduct Clean Up of St. Joseph's Cathedral Church, Kakamega

The President Awards Kenya (PAK) MMUST Chapter after cleaning St Joseph’s Cathedral Church, Kakamega.

Last week, the President Awards Kenya (PAK) MMUST Chapter conducted a  of St Joseph’s Cathedral Church, Kakamega. Volunteering for this cleaning up exercise is part of the activities of the students who are members of this group. Earlier this month, the group led by Raymond Munchi Maloba

showcased exemplary conduct among the youth in orphanages around Kakamega town whom they visited. Volunteering for this clean-up is part of the activities of President Awards Kenya groups across the entire country. The Patron of PAK, MMUST Chapter, is the Assets Officer of this University, Ms. Tabitha Shisia.


MMUST students, who are also members of PAK, MMUST Chapter in action during the clean-up.

Speaking during an interview, Ms Shisia expressed hope that PAK, MMUST Chapter members will increase their impactful activities if well supported and equipped.  “These students are very active. They have interacted with street children, and assisted youth with problems,” she stated.

Mr. Maloba said that PAK, MMUST Chapter members have cleaned many places before and positively engaged community members, especially the youth. “We are role models who carry out community service on behalf of the President. Good performance can earn someone an award of Bronze, Silver or even Gold,” he said, adding that recruitment of members is still ongoing. 


Students’ Team Leader-Raymond Munchi Maloba, takes the lead at St Joseph’s Cathedral Church clean up. 

The initiative by the government to set up such awards will undoubtedly infuse the right social norms among the youth and should be supported. Certainly, the key players in the education sector as well as other stakeholders have their work cut out for them regarding mentorship and equipping the youth to navigate the rough terrain of work and nation building. This is a move towards the right direction for MMUST.




Story By: Dr. Lydia Anyonje

Photos by Shiundu Masafu 

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