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Researchers in Africa Hopeful as the 7th ACDE Triennial 2024 Conference Comes to a Successful Conclusion

A section of the ACDE 2024 Conference participants during the closing ceremony.

Researchers in Africa are hopeful about changing the future of education through the African Council of Distance Education (ACDE). This was apparent throughout the three days of the 7 ACDE triennial 2024 Conference that came to a successful conclusion on 28 March, 2024. The Conference, hosted at Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology, saw participants immerse in a dynamic exchange of ideas. They interrogated the use of technology to leverage curriculum delivery, accreditation of ODeL institutions using the quality assurance toolkit and flexibility of education systems. One of the highlights of the Conference was the presentation of research findings and case studies, demonstrating practical strategies to address pressing challenges in education and the ODeL space in Africa.

In his closing remarks, the newly-installed ACDE President-Prof. Solomon Shibairo, expressed gratitude to all participants for their contributions to the success of the Conference, emphasizing the importance of continued collaboration and innovation in driving positive change in education. “As I reflect on the myriad of presentations, keynote speeches, symposia and presenters we have witnessed, I am deeply impressed by the collaborative drive towards innovation and resilience in addressing the hurdles encountered in open, distance, and online learning. From exploring new pedagogical approaches to leveraging emerging technologies, it is evident that we are at the forefront of shaping the future of education,” noted Prof. Shibairo.


The newly-installed ACDE President-Prof. Solomon Shibairo gives his closing remarks.

MMUST’s Acting Vice Chancellor and the Chairman of the ACDE 2024 Conference local organizing committee, Prof. Charles Mutai, commended the organizers of the magnificent event, adding that MMUST is proud to be the first University in Kenya to host it. “We are delighted to be part of the vibrant ACDE network. Let us keep the conversation about the open, distance and eLearning strong until it becomes embedded in our education systems and procedures,” stated Prof. Mutai.

He went on to congratulate Prof. Shibairo for being inaugurated as the President of ACDE, as well as the newly-elected board members who will work with him for the next three (3) years. He added, “MMUST is committed to the main goal and aspirations of ACDE which is to promote open and distance learning, as well as continuing education in Africa.”


MMUST’s Ag. Vice Chancellor and the Chairman of the ACDE 2024 Conference local organizing committee, Prof. Charles Mutai, speaks during the closing ceremony.

“This Conference convened more than one hundred and fifty participants from various nations. It brought together a diverse array of stakeholders including government representatives, policy makers, regulators of higher education, University leaders, scholars, as well as investors in educational technology,” said the ACDE 2024 Conference Convener and the Director of MMUST Institute of ODeL-Prof. Gordon Nguka.

While moving the vote of thanks, ACDE Executive Director-Dr. Teresa Mwoma, pointed out that the Conference has been an outcome of collective efforts of many individuals and organizations. “I hope that we will continue shaping a brighter future for education through ODeL,” she said.


Prof. Gordon Nguka issues the ACDE 2024 Conference communique.

Undoubtedly, participants gained new knowledge and perspectives, necessary for making a difference in the field of education, particularly the ODeL space. The legacy of the 7th triennial ACDE Conference will certainly inspire future generations of educators and leaders to strive for excellence and innovation in education. We await with anticipation the unfolding of the next phase in the quest for transformative educational advancement!

By Wangari Wambugu and Caren Nekesa 

Photos by Shiundu Masafu

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