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MMUST to Collaborate with Wilkes University, USA as It Hosts Dr. Cathy Lee Arcuino

MMUST team with Wilkes University’s Dr. Cathy Lee Arcuino at the Vice Chancellor’s Office.

Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology is set to collaborate with Wilkes University USA, as it hosts the Executive Director, Office of Global Engagement at Wilkes University -Dr. Cathy Lee Arcuino. On Monday, 22 April, 2024, Dr.  Arcuino paid a courtesy call to the Ag. Vice Chancellor-Prof. Charles Mutai, to discuss areas of collaboration including opportunities for student recruitment and exchange, faculty research collaboration, and online learning opportunities with Wilkes University.

Already, she has begun talks with the Directorate of International Relations and Academic Linkages (DIAL) and will meet Deans, Directors, faculty members and students for one on one consultation on possible opportunities at Wilkes University.


Prof. Charles Mutai gives his remarks during the courtesy call at the Vice Chancellor’s boardroom.

Speaking during the courtesy call, Prof. Mutai stated that there are very many areas that MMUST and Wilkes University can partner in, adding that MMUST has collaborated with many key regional and global institutions. “As a University, we are committed to collaborating with Wilkes University. MMUST is a favourable destination for international students and staff as we offer excellent academic programmes, steered by our highly professional faculty,” said the Ag. Vice Chancellor.

Reiterating that a partnership with Wilkes University is a good opportunity, Ag. Deputy Vice Chancellor (Planning, Research and Innovation)-Prof. Josephine Ngaira, pointed out that she was happy that Dr. Arcuino chose to partner with MMUST. “The fact that we are attracting international collaborations and students, means that we are globally visible. We should therefore take advantage of this in order to upscale our ranking,” stated Prof. Ngaira.


Dr. Cathy Lee Arcuino during the courtesy call.

“It is my first time in Kenya and I came straight to MMUST, courtesy of a Masinde Muliro University alumnus who is currently studying at Wilkes University. I am looking forward to meeting more of your staff, faculty and students during my stay here,” said Dr. Arcuino.

MMUST staff present during the courtesy call were; the Registrar (Academic Affairs)-Prof. Judah Ndiku, the Deputy Registrar (Planning, Research and Innovation)-Dr. Immerqulate Ayodo, Director, DIAL-Dr. Edwin Kanda, Chairperson Department of Science and Mathematics Education-Dr. Beatrice Shikuku and the Marketing Officer-Mr. James Muriithi.

Dr. Arcuino’s visit is a clear indication that Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology has become the hub for international collaborations and has undoubtedly taken its place in the global arena.

By Dr. Lydia Anyonje and Wangari Wambugu 

Photos by Shiundu Masafu

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