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MMUST Charts Course For Success With New Five-Year Strategic Plan As It Observes The National Tree Growing Day!

Chairperson of Council, Dr. Pamela Sitienei and a section of Council Members during the unveiling of the strategic plan.

On 10 May, 2024, as it joined the rest of the country to observe the National Tree Growing Day, Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (MMUST) unveiled a comprehensive five-year strategic plan for the years 2024-2028. Since the Plan has a critical component on climate change and is focused on sustainability, its unveiling fitted in very well with the national agenda of tree growing and environmental restoration. The unveiling ceremony was led by the Chief Guest Dr. Jemimah Onsare, who was representing the Principal Secretary, State Department for Higher Education and Research- Dr. Beatrice Inyangala and the Chairperson of Council, Dr. Pamela Sitienei.


The Chief Guest, Dr. Jemimah Onsare, Chairperson of Council, Dr. Pamela Sitienei and Council members at the event.

In her speech, Dr. Onsare expressed confidence in the strategic plan’s ability to transform the University into a beacon of excellence in higher education, emphasizing its potential to enhance quality education while, at the same time,  significantly contributing to mitigating climate change and reinforcing national resilience. “This document is proof that MMUST has a functional strategy aimed at providing quality education, mitigating climate change and enhancing the country’s overall resilience to environmental threats.  There is no doubt that once this plan is implemented, the quality of education in this institution will be improved,” read the speech.   


Dr. Jemimah Onsare, Dr. Pamela Sitienei and the Ag. Vice Chancellor, Prof. Charles Mutai.

“Today marks a significant turning point in our calendar as we transform not only our environment, but also our systems and processes. The Plan we have unveiled today is the visionary roadmap that will guide us towards excellence, innovation and sustainable development,” stated Dr. Sitienei.

She outlined the pillars of the five-year plan, and emphasized its role in facilitating the University’s contribution to Kenya’s sustainable and equitable socio-economic and technological advancement. Dr. Sitienei urged the MMUST community to embrace collaboration, innovation, and resilience to realize the full potential of the University. “Let us join hands as we work tirelessly to realize the full potential of MMUST and make a profound impact on the lives of our students, communities and the world,” she added.


 Dr. Jemimah Onsare, Dr. Pamela Sitienei and the Ag. Vice Chancellor, Prof. Charles Mutai with MMUST partners during the  unveiling.

Echoing Dr. Sitienei’s sentiments, the Ag. Vice Chancellor, Prof. Charles Mutai commended the collaborative effort invested in developing the strategic plan. He emphasized the incorporation of stakeholder feedback, highlighting the plan’s alignment with the collective aspirations of the MMUST community, including the conservation of the environment.

“We recognize the importance of fiscal responsibility and accountability in achieving our objectives. Regarding environmental sustainability and in sync with the MMUST 2023/24-2027/28 strategic plan, we have set up a Coordinating Unit dedicated to our greening initiatives,” said Prof. Mutai.


Dr. Jemimah Onsare, Dr. Pamela Sitienei and the Ag. Vice Chancellor, Prof. Charles Mutai with the University Management Board.

Speaking at the event, the Ag. Deputy Vice Chancellor Planning, Research and Innovation, Prof. Josephine Ngaira encouraged ongoing collaboration to ensure MMUST’s enduring impact for future generations.

“As we embark on the implementation of our strategic plan, let us remember that its value lies not in its words, but in the actions we take to bring its vision to life. It is incumbent upon us to wholeheartedly embrace this plan, internalize its goals and objectives, and actively contribute to its realization,” she remarked.

The Deputy Vice Chancellor Administration and Finance, Prof. John Kuria Thuo thanked all the stakeholders involved in the design and development of the Plan, pointing out that it is a culmination of extensive engagement and feedback provided by all stakeholders including Council, University Management Board, Senate, Consultants, Unions, Staff and Students.


Dr. Jemimah Onsare, Dr. Pamela Sitienei and the Ag. Vice Chancellor, Prof. Charles Mutai with the Coordinator MMUST Greening Initiative, Dr. James Owuor. 

“This Plan meticulously assesses the University’s strengths, challenges, opportunities, and threats. I am cognizant that strategic planning for any organization enables all stakeholders to know what is expected of them as far as attaining the set goals and objectives is concerned. I therefore urge the entire MMUST community to adhere to the strategies highlighted in this particular document, for the success of our institution. The University is ready to oversee the implementation of this Strategic Plan,” he said.

This is the fourth strategic plan in the life cycle of MMUST, and Crafted to steer MMUST towards a path of success, the Plan encompasses multifaceted initiatives aimed at building sustainable institutional capacity; enhancing academic excellence; increasing the scale of high quality, high impact research and innovation; embedding and embracing technology and automation across the University core activities; and sustainably achieving financial stability, growth and social value for long-term. With collective determination and concerted effort, MMUST will certainly build a brighter future for its students, communities, and the world.


By Dr. Lydia Anyonje  and Caren Nekesa  

Photos by Shiundu Masafu 

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