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The School Education Makes Significant Strides towards Fostering Excellence in Teacher Training

Participants of the School Practice advising workshop.

In a significant stride towards advancing quality teacher education, the Department of Curriculum and Instructional Technology, organized a transformative School Practice advising workshop. The workshop themed  was held on Thursday, May 9, 2024, and was steered by the Dean, of the School of Education- Prof. Moses Poipoi. This fruitful event sought to empower the advisers with the necessary knowledge and skills to assess teacher-students as per the CBC framework. The workshop was officially opened by Prof. Edwin Wamukoya who was representing the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic and Student Affairs).

Speaking during the event, Prof. Poipoi, pointed out that MMUST has presented over 1247 students in more than 150 education institutions in Western Kenya for school practice this year. He confirmed that over 110 advisors would be involved in the student guidance exercise and assured the participants of his continued support of the student practice program. He called upon the advisors to remain good ambassadors of the University during the exercise. 


From left; the Registrar (Academic Affairs)- Prof. Judah Ndiku, Prof. Edwin Waukoya representing DVC ASA and the Dean-SEDU, Prof. Moses Poipoi during the workshop.

"All students have been posted in secure places which are easily accessible. We urge you to take time to advise our students and interact with the respective school's management where the students have been posted.  Be our good ambassadors during this exercise," he stated.

Similarly, Prof. John Shiundu, an experienced lecturer and the founder of the Curriculum development at MMUST, acknowledged that education has undergone significant dynamic changes, evolving from teacher-subject learning to learner-centered education. He urged the advisors to mentor the student-teachers and involve them in community-based programs, not just classroom activities. In addition, Prof. Shiundu advised them to embrace integrity, fairness, discipline, and accountability as they embark on the assessment exercise.

"Education is dynamic. Let us find out what these students do outside the classrooms because they must be involved in other activities. School practice is a process of learning. Enable them to learn. I do not doubt that all of you have all it takes to effectively conduct this exercise," he said.


A section of the School Practice advising workshop.

The Director, of Privately Sponsored Student Programs (PSSP)- Prof Peter Bukhala, noted that MMUST has experienced an increase in the number of Physical Education students enrolling over the year, with the school currently registering 361 Physical Education students. He urged the University to continue supporting the physical education program as it is a key subject in CBC, adding that the SEDU is dedicated to imparting both theoretical and practical skills to ensure that students are well-equipped to teach physical education.

“Our students have become more popular among the schools for their competency. Let us embrace PE which is a key teaching subject in CBC. This way we will be able to market the other areas of our education,” said Prof. Bukhala.

One of the presenters, Dr. Erick Wangila, emphasized the importance of the advisors integrating with their students and being aware of their well-being, especially during this time when the country is experiencing a flood crisis.

"Create time to integrate with your students. Get in touch with them and know their situations. If possible find out about the flood situation in the students’ areas of their school practice, he said.

School practice is an important aspect of teacher training. It helps prepare student-teachers for the role of educators by providing them with firsthand experiences in the education field. These experiences contribute to the development of their pedagogical competencies and enable them to navigate the challenges and complexities of the teaching profession. This workshop is concrete evidence that exemplifies MMUST's commitment to practical and effective teacher training education.


By Linet Owuor, Rhoda Mwikali and Steven Omondi

Photos by Linet Owuor

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