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MMUST 17th International Multidisciplinary Conference Kicks Off as University Managers Reaffirm Commitment to Research and Innovation

Participants at the 17th Multidisciplinary International Conference.

Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology’s Managers have reaffirmed their commitment to research and innovation. This was during the 17 International Multidisciplinary Conference, which kicked off on Wednesday, 15 May, 2024. The blended Conference, themed ‘’, was officially opened by Prof. Silvery Oteng’i, a Professor of agro metrology and an applied scientist. The Chairperson of Council, Dr. Pamela Sitienei, and the Ag. Vice Chancellor, Prof. Charles Mutai, also attended the event. The three-day event was organized by the School of Natural Sciences (SONAS) in conjunction with the Directorate of Research and Postgraduate Support (DRPS), led by Dr. Joseph Owino and Prof. Francis Orata respectively.


The Chief Guest, Prof. Silvery Oteng’i, gives his presentation during the Conference.

Prof. Oteng’i, one of the founders of the School of Disaster Management and Humanitarian Assistance (SDMHA), pointed out that innovation and technology must be leveraged as powerful tools in research. He added that researchers should prioritize community engagement and participatory approaches in their work. “By involving communities in research and decision making processes, researchers can co-create context-specific solutions that are culturally relevant, sustainable and inclusive,” said the veteran professor.


A section of the participants follow keenly as Prof. Francis Orata makes his opening remarks.

Speaking at the event, Dr. Sitienei stated that the Conference is superbly aligned with the Kenya Government’s industrialization and sustainability agenda, saying that the MMUST Council is strongly committed and dedicated towards mobilizing and allocating more resources to support research. “As a University, we have infused the aspirations of the Presidential Bottom –Up Agenda and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into our key University operations. I am happy to note that MMUST is working together with key partners in the realm of research, such as the County Government of Kakamega, research institutions and government agencies to realize the gains that accompany collaboration,” she added.


17th Multidisciplinary International Conference Co-convener, Dr. Joseph Owino speaks at the event.

“Let this Conference be a catalyst for transformative ideas that will transform the livelihoods of the communities. The full potential of scientific research and innovation in steering sustainable development cannot be gainsaid. Research outputs have benefitted many members of society, especially those in underserved communities,” said Prof. Mutai. He appreciated Council’s support for and facilitation towards enabling the MMUST scholars to conduct research.


Prof. Josephine Ngaira speaks at the 17th Multidisciplinary International Conference.

The Ag. Deputy Vice Chancellor (Planning, Research and Innovation), Prof. Josephine Ngaira, noted that this Conference is a demonstration of MMUST’s commitment to research and innovation. She reiterated that the University has applied the multidisciplinary approach in all its activities including research and training. She added, “Let us utilize the 17th Multidisciplinary International Conference as an opportunity to showcase our research outputs.”

Echoing the sentiments of other Managers, Deputy Vice Chancellor (Administration and Finance), Prof. John Kuria Thuo, and Dr. Dishon Wanjere, who was representing the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic and Student Affairs), pointed out that this Conference is a unique opportunity to explore knowledge across disciplines and establish productive lasting networks.


The Deputy Vice Chancellor (Administration and Finance), Prof. John Kuria Thuo, during the Conference.

This year alone, MMUST has not only hosted a significant number of international Conferences and Workshops, but also actively participated in national and global fora where dialogues on current topics and debates are orchestrated. Indeed, this has reaffirmed the institution’s commitment to research and innovation, while at the same time upscaling the University’s visibility and global competitiveness.

By Dr. Lydia Anyonje  and Wangari Wambugu 

Photos by Shiundu Masafu

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