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MMUST’s Newly Appointed National Cohesion and Values Mainstreaming Committee Undergoes Training to Integrate National Principles into University Operations!

MMUST team together with facilitators from the Directorate of National Cohesion and Values after the training.

Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology’ s newly appointed National Cohesion and Values Mainstreaming Committee members have undergone a two-day training, which was aimed at equipping them with knowledge and skills required to integrate Kenya’s 17 national values into the University operations. The training took place from 23 to 24, May 2024 at Golf Hotel, and was facilitated by the Assistant Director- National Cohesion and Values, Mr. Ambrose Biketi and the Senior Cohesion Officer, Mr. Avetsa Kerosho. The MMUST Committee, mandated to help the University to mainstream national values in its operations and sensitize staff on the principles of governance, is chaired by Prof. Catherine Aurah. The training was officially opened by Prof. Peter Bukhala who was representing the Ag. Vice Chancellor, Prof. Charles Mutai.

Speaking during the event, Prof. Bukhala passionately encouraged MMUST researchers to align their research with the National Cohesion Values and Principles of Governance. He also called on them to provide policy advice to ensure inclusivity and fairness. Additionally, Prof. Bukhala urged the Directorate of National Cohesion and Values to adopt a proactive approach by initiating advocacy programs from the primary school level, ensuring these foundational principles are instilled early for maximum impact.


The Director Performance Monitoring and Evaluation (PME), Prof. Joseph W. Nasongo making a point.

Dr. Collins Matemba, the Registrar of Planning, Research, and Innovation, recognized the University’s extensive community outreach initiatives that are significantly improving lives while reinforcing national values. He urged the committee to launch comprehensive sensitization campaigns aimed at educating the MMUST community about these values. Dr. Matemba highlighted that such efforts would cultivate a deeper understanding of the values and their importance in daily university life. “This, in turn, would enhance the quality of reporting to the Directorate of National Cohesion and Values and amplify the University’s positive impact on both society and the nation,” he stated.


A section of participants, keenly following the discussions.

Speaking during an interview, Prof. Aurah underscored the relevance of the training, noting that it was crucial in ensuring that the newly appointed committee was well-prepared to embed national values into every aspect of the University’s operations.  She commended this effort, saying that it plays a significant role in fostering a cohesive, ethical, and socially responsible community.

“MMUST’s commitment to this course is not just a statutory obligation but a fundamental aspect of our mission to foster holistic development and excellence. Our involvement in this continues to enhance our governance levels, realign our efforts with national objectives, and cultivate a sense of pride and belonging. By making these values part of our daily lives, we not only enhance our University’s reputation but also contribute meaningfully to the betterment of the society,” said Prof. Aura.


Light moments during the training.

Mr. Ambrose Biketi, the Assistant Director- National Cohesion and Values, guided the committee through the ‘Performance Contracting on National Values and Principles of Governance by MDAs FY 2023/2024.’ He emphasized the importance of raising awareness among staff about performance contract target indicators related to national values. Mr. Biketi outlined specific activities for the committee to engage in to achieve this goal, including sensitizing staff members on the commitments and national values, identifying commitments relevant to their mandate, and allocating targets for departments to track.

Highlighting the national significance of the committee’s work, Mr. Biketi underscored its crucial role in preparing the annual President’s report on the measures taken and progress made in realizing national values. He urged the committee to accurately document every achievement to enhance MMUST’s visibility in the President’s state of the nation address.

“Document and report everything related to your core mandates, programs, projects, and activities. Ensure you provide accurate and relevant information backed by authentic data and statistics,” advised Mr. Biketi.


Mr. Ambrose Biketi, the Assistant Director- National Cohesion and Values making his presentation during the training.

Reiterating, the Senior Cohesion Officer, Mr. Avetsa Kerosho guided the participants through ‘Challenges, and Lessons Learnt in the Preparation of the 10th Annual President’s Report on National Values, 2022.’ He also emphasized the importance of accurate documentation and reporting, sharing insights on how to overcome common challenges encountered during the report preparation. Mr. Kerosho encouraged the committee to adopt best practices and innovative strategies to ensure that MMUST’s contributions are effectively captured and highlighted in future reports.

It is worth noting that the training was organized by the Directorate of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation (PME) under the leadership of Prof. Joseph W. Nasongo, in order to create a well-informed, accountable, and proactive institutional culture that aligns with and supports national objectives.


The Senior Cohesion Officer, Mr. Avetsa Kerosho taking the participants through a session.

The newly appointed members of the committee include Prof. Charles Mutai, Prof. Joseph Nasongo, Prof. Judah Ndiku, Prof. Francis Orata, Prof. Benedict Alala, Dr. Collins Matemba, Dr. Paul Ogenga, Dr. Teresa Okoth, Dr. Dennis Omaiyo, Dr. Lucy Mandila, Dr. Issah Kweyu, Dr. Umulkher Ali, Mr. Henry Wati, and Ms. Purity Muchere. This team will be in office for the next three years.

As a university, we eagerly anticipate significant transformations in our practices and achievements, aiming to set new benchmarks nationally and globally.

Story by Caren Nekesa 

Photos by Wangari Wambugu 

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