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CUE Visits MMUST Ahead of Its 4th Biennial Conference Slated for 12th to 14th June, 2024 at KICC Nairobi

MMUST and CUE teams during the courtesy call.

The Commission for University Education (CUE) yesterday, 27 May 2024 visited Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (MMUST) ahead of its 4  Biennial  conference, scheduled for 12 to 14 June, 2024 at KICC, Nairobi. The Deputy Director, Corporate Communication & PR, Ms. Ruth Dero and Mr. Geoffrey Wanjala- ICT, paid a courtesy visit to the Office of the Vice Chancellor. The two were received by the Deputy Vice Chancellor Administration and Finance,  Prof. John Kuria Thuo who was representing the Ag. Vice Chancellor, Prof. Charles Mutai. The main purpose of the visit was to discuss modalities of capturing research, innovations and success stories to be featured in ‘ewsletter, which will be launched during the conference.


The Deputy Vice Chancellor Administration and Finance, Prof. John Kuria Thuo (Far left) keenly listening as CUE’s Ms. Dero explains a point.

Speaking to the CUE team, Prof. Thuo emphasized the importance of the upcoming conference as an opportunity for MMUST to showcase its research and innovations. He assured them of MMUST’s commitment to all the required documentation for the Newsletter and Documentary. Additionally, he stated that the University will support researchers to showcase the institution’s research and innovations.   

“This initiative by CUE is commendable, and we are enthusiastic about participating in the conference. It presents a vital opportunity for us to learn from others, forge new partnerships, and enhance our profiles.  Such interactions will strengthen the relationship between our two institutions and provide a basis for more informal and diverse collaborations,” said Prof. Thuo.


Some of the equipment at the simulation laboratory.

The team from CUE were taken for a tour across the campus, enabling them to engage with researchers and innovators directly. They were also able to observe firsthand some of the ongoing research and developments at the University. “The upcoming conference and exhibitions will offer a valuable platform for higher education institutions to showcase their success stories, innovations, and outstanding research. This visibility is crucial for forming partnerships that can further advance these efforts,” stated Ms. Dero.


Ms. Ruth Gero of Cue speaks to student innovators as the Director DCCM and Director SPIIC look on.

While on the tour, the team from CUE were highly captivated by MMUST’s simulation lab, an outcome of a project jointly run by the Department of Paramedical Sciences and Malteser International. The Director Science Park, Innovation and Incubation Center (SPIIC)- Dr. Tecla Sum is the Principal Investigator of this project. Similarly, the team was impressed with Prof. Maurice Vincent Omollo’s innovations.


Prof. Maurice Vincent Omollo’s innovations explains some of his innovations to the CUE team.

Other notable personalities present during the meeting included, the Registrar Academic Affairs- Prof. Judah Ndiku; Director Post Graduate Studies- Prof. Stephen Odebero; Director Corporate Communications and Marketing (DCCM)- Dr. Lydia Anyonje; Director International Relations and Academic Linkages (DIAL)- Dr. Umulkher Ali; and Dr. Dennis Ochieno who was representing the Director of Research and Postgraduate Support- Prof. Francis Orata.  


Mr. Kefa Ogenche, a Senior Technician at the Department of Biological Sciences demonstrating one of his innovations.

As universities across the country gear up to participate in the upcoming CUE Conference and exhibition, MMUST is set to utilize this engagement not only to showcase the University’s achievements but also open up new avenues for collaboration and innovation.

By Dr. Lydia Anyonje and Caren Nekesa

Photos by Wangari Wambugu 

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