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MMUST Collaborative Meeting With Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) a Plus for MMUST

Courtesy of MMUST’s collaborative meeting with Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), the University stands to benefit in numerous ways. On 13th June,2024, Mr. Nobu Inazumi the Deputy Director of JSPS Nairobi Research station paid a courtesy call to the University to meet the alumni of JSPS and promote programmes to young scientists in MMUST. He was received by the Ag. Director DIAL Dr. Issa Kweyu.

JSPS is a Programme that seeks to provide opportunities for Pre and Post-Doctoral researchers from the ASEAN member countries and African countries to conduct cooperative research under the guidance of their hosts. The program involves leading research groups in universities and other Japanese institutions. It is intended to help advance overseas researchers’ research activities while advancing science and promoting internationalization in Japan.


The Ag. Director DIAL Dr. Issa Kweyu speaking during the meeting.

The program is open to all researchers regardless of nationality or academic field and is tailored to the full spectrum researchers from early -career researchers to eminent scientists. It provides flexible durations ranging from short to long terms. All fields of humanities, social sciences and natural sciences are included under this Programme.

Speaking during the meeting at MMUST, Mr. Inazumi urged Kenyan Researchers and Japanese researchers to strive towards working together.  “Through invites to online and Physical symposiums by both institutions, we shall be able to share information and learn from one another,” said Mr. Inazumi.

The Ag. Director, DIAL- Dr Issa Kweyu proposed a joint seminar with JSPS as a step towards fostering a good relationship between MMUST young scientists and JSPS.  Further, Dr. Kweyu suggested that Japanese be included among the foreign languages taught in the University.

Such collaborations will not only boost the skills of young scientists from the two institutions but will also greatly upscale the visibility of our University.



Joshua Chiro and Wekesa Francis

Photos by Linet Owuor


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