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MMUST and Ball State University Continue With Discussions Towards the Establishment of a Center of Excellence in Sickle Cell Anemia

On Monday, 1st July 2024, MMUST hosted delegates from Ball State University led by Prof. Winnie Mucherah. The team paid a courtesy call to the Registrar Planning Research and Innovation office to continue with discussions on joint research in Sickle Cell Anemia and establishing a Research Center for the disease at MMUST. This is part of the strategies to mitigate the devastating effects of this inherent blood disorder, which is prevalent in Western Kenya.

This meeting follows a renewed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between MMUST and the Teachers College, Ball State University Muncie, Indiana, USA. This MOU was established to realize the mutual benefits of an educational partnership between the two institutions.


The Registrar (Planning, Research, and Innovation)- Dr. Collins Matemba speaking during the joint meeting.

Speaking during the joint meeting, the Registrar (Planning, Research, and Innovation)- Dr. Collins Matemba noted that this partnership is set to increase awareness about sickle cell anemia in the community, which will also enhance handling and treatment of those affected with the disease.

Commenting on the Sickle Cell project, Prof. Winnie Mucherah noted that educational presentations can significantly improve participants' knowledge of SCA. Additionally, these findings provide support for further interventions aimed at improving SCA knowledge and awareness. Prof. Mucherah was accompanied by Ms. Gwendolyn Clark and Ms. Kristina Flowers from Ball State University.


Prof. Winnie Mucherah explains a point during the meeting.

The other staff from MMUST included the Dean SEDU- Prof. Moses Poipoi, the Chairperson, Department of Psychology- Dr. Edward Okaya, Mr. Oscar Waswa and Ms. Dorine Ambetsa and Mr. Nelman Obwengi from the Directorate of International Relations and Academic Linkages.

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 By Linet Owuor, Francis Wekesa and Yvonne Jane Opondo

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