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MMUST Set To Establish A Centre Of Excellence In Industrial Engineering As It Hosts African Development Bank Appraisal Team

Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology is set to establish a Centre of Excellence in Industrial Engineering in an effort to bridge the gap between the University and the Industry. On Friday, 12th July, 2024, MMUST hosted a team from the African Development Bank (AfDB) for an appraisal mission on the proposed Centre, which will be domiciled in the School of Engineering and Built Environment (SEBE)-Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering (MIE). The project, funded by AfDB, was initiated by the State Department for Higher Education and Research, and SEBE, in collaboration with the Commission for University Education (CUE).

Speaking during the event, the Director of Research, Science and Technology (Ministry of Education), Dr. Roselida Owuor, assured the University of the Ministry’s support towards this initiative. “This Centre will enable MMUST to enhance its linkages with the industry, national and international partners, as well as the community,” stated Dr. Owuor, who was also standing in for the Director of Higher Education.


Director of Research, Science and Technology (Ministry of Education), Dr. Roselida Owuor, gives her remarks during the appraisal meeting at MMUST.

“MMUST is proud to be one of the Universities in the Western region offering Engineering. The proposal to establish a Centre of Excellence in Industrial Engineering at MMUST stemmed from the need to bring the industry to us in order to provide our staff and students with the best industry exposure,” said the Dean-SEBE, Prof. Eng. Bernadette Sabuni. Prof. Sabuni pointed out that the Centre will not only be a place for Engineering students to experience practical training, but will also be a space for them to gain mentorship from experts. “We look forward to working with our existing and potential partners on this project for the sake of our students,” she added.

In her remarks, AfDB’s Mission team leader-Ms. Susan Achieng Olang'o, revealed that the aim of the activity was for AfDB to carry out a comprehensive assessment of MMUST’s current infrastructure, academic programs and research capabilities. “This will help us to determine the University's readiness to host the center of excellence, set to be a game changer in Engineering training,” stated Ms. Olang’o.


AfDB’s Appraisal Mission team leader-Ms. Susan Achieng Olang'o during the event.

“As an institution, we are grateful to have been selected to establish this Centre. It is worth noting that this Centre resonates well with the University Strategic Plan, and is anchored on various tenets, including Vision 2030 and the current transformation agenda by the Government of Kenya,” pointed out the Chairperson-MIE, Dr. Emmanuel Osore. According to Dr. Osore, industrial engineering is a combination of design and efficiency improvement in processes, and therefore, the hub will act as a link between the conventional design work that is done in mechanical engineering, and the industrial processes. He added, “this Centre will reflect the modern industrial set up. Besides producing human capacity, it will have model industries, whereby we will be able to create employment, manufacture products as well as offer consultancy services.”


Dean-SEBE, Prof. Eng. Bernadette Sabuni explains a point during the visit at MMUST.

The proposed Centre of Excellence in Industrial Engineering will house state-of-the-art facilities and its activities will include development of market-driven programs. Notably, this event was the third meeting that MMUST has had with key stakeholders in this project. The parties involved have discussed the site of the Centre and the infrastructure needed including the cost, and have developed the terms of reference. So far, all discussions have been fruitful and there is no doubt that the Centre will be actualized. With the establishment of this prestigious and ultra-modern Centre of Excellence in Industrial Engineering, MMUST will certainly take the lead in training and producing top-notch professionals in engineering and related areas.

By Wangari Wambugu 

Photos by Shiundu Masafu

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